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CBS Covers Trans Discrimination in Ukraine as Russian Bombs Drop

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As Ukrainians fight for the sovereignty and freedom of their country against a Russian onslaught, CBS News is closely watching the nation’s legal accommodations for transgenderism. The establishment media news outlet published a video interview with transgender musical artist Zi Faámelu on Monday, highlighting how Ukraine’s laws aren’t overtly supportive of legal gender transitions.”

There’s No Turning Back After Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

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The new mandates that Biden has decided to impose aren’t just un-American. The word “evil” gets thrown around a lot these days, but in this case, it fits the situation. No government has the right to try to put something into your body by force. Many have pointed out that such mandates are uncomfortably close to physical rape, and there is absolutely no place for such mandates in a free and just society.

Apple Releases New “Pregnant Man” Emoji

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Here we go again, Apple has released a new set of computer emojis, which includes a “pregnant man” symbol. Apple’s move comes on the heels of complaints by leftists that the emoji library wasn’t “inclusive” enough. The new slate of emojis includes several different hands and faces in a range of skin colors to satisfy the critics and push the radical LGBTQ agenda.

Politics Not Justice in Derek Chauvin Verdict

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Chauvin was found guilty of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. This is an absurd miscarriage of justice and is a political outcome, not justice. Chauvin is not guilty of murder at all. Certainly, the case can be made for manslaughter. But this man had no intentions of murdering anyone.