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Fox News Host Calls Lori Lightfoot Worst Mayor Ever

El American

Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld blasted Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on his show opening monologue by stating that she “Broke another glass ceiling” by being the “worst mayor ever” and also the first Mayor to lose reelection in 40 years after its first 2-year period in the emblematic windy city of Illinois.

Feminism Out of Control at Universities

El American

The University of Groningen in The Netherlands has cancelled the performance of the play “Waiting for Godot” because there are no female characters in it. In fact, it’s even more woke than that. The performance has been cancelled because the casting notice only called for male actors to audition.

Biden Makes Claims About the Economy That Just Aren’t True

El American

Biden has frequently said that inflation was out of control when he became president, going so far as to say it was one of the reasons he ran for office. But inflation averaged less than 2 percent during the primary campaign and averaged closer to 1 percent during the general election campaign. When Biden took office, annual inflation was a mere 1.4 percent.

Progressivism Is at War with Masculinity

El American

Fighting the battle in defense of masculinity is important. For the left, it is not trivial. That is why they go to such great lengths to ensure that the word “masculinity” is inevitably accompanied by the adjective “toxic” or to call the fitness movement “far-right” or “white supremacist.”

Rep. Lauren Boebert Introduces Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood

El American

The Defund Planned Parenthood Act, proposed by Boebert, would halt federal support for the abortion industry giant for a year. The $633 million in tax dollars that Planned Parenthood presently receives from the government would be transferred to neighborhood health clinics that offer real healthcare for women, such as maternity care and cancer screenings.

Wokeness Is Slowly Hollowing Out the Fed

El American

This week’s four-decade-high inflation is a direct result of the Federal Reserve taking its eye off the ball over the last two years. Instead of focusing on its mandate of keeping prices stable, it has been more concerned with financing massive federal deficits and kowtowing to liberal ideology.

Wokeism Gone Wild at DC Comics

El American

DC Comics seems to have entered a woke frenzy worthy of the most erratic and eccentric behavior of one of comics’ most iconic madmen: the Joker. In the latest issue of The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughingseries, we get to see Batman’s arch-nemesis fulfill one of the current woke narrative’s favorite fantasies by getting pregnant.

Federal Fealty to Wokeness Weakens American Power

El American

The U.S. military and federal agencies’ sharp left turn into woke ideology under President Biden has diverted limited training capacity without proof of benefit. Even the U.S. Special Operations Command now has a Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan which asserts that “diversity and inclusion are operational imperatives.” Really?

It’s an Anti-Woke Victory for the 2023 Golden Globe Nominees

El American

Hollywood critics usually lavish praise on supposedly artistic and intellectual films and series, which usually have a left-wing ideological bias. But after the catastrophe for movie theaters caused by the pandemic closures, and the growing weariness of the public towards productions full of shameless wokeism, it seems that the Golden Globes have decided to reward the works that have kept the industry afloat economically.