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Trump Boasts of “Amazing” Endorsement Powers

I endorsed Mitch McConnell, who was going to lose in a record fashion, and he ended up winning. I endorsed Brian Kemp in Georgia, who was going to come in last place, and he won in a landslide. And I Endorsed some others who have not been good to me, but I will never be good to them either. The true story is that my Endorsements have been, by any standard, amazing—stronger than ever seen before in our Country’s history. I

Trump: Biden Failed in Allowing War to Start

There should be no war waging now in Ukraine, and it is terrible for humanity that Biden, NATO, and the West have failed so terribly in allowing it to start. Instead of showing strength and toughness, they declared the Global Warming Hoax as the #1 threat to global security, killed American Energy Independence, and then made Europe, the U.S., and the rest of the World dependent on Russian oil.