If the legacy political media were doing their job defending “democracy,” outlets would be deploying teams of crack journalists to track down leads and find out if there is any evidence related to Biden’s wrongdoing, as they did with Trump, rather than playing defense for the most powerful man in the world.
Publication: Daily Signal
Former Harvard Journal Editor Recalls Discovering Plagiarism by Biden
One of the Harvard Journal on Legislation’s former editors revealed Monday that he was “shocked by the plagiarism” that he discovered in a 2000 article submitted by then-Sen. Joe Biden. Roger Severino, now vice president of domestic policy at The Heritage Foundation, weighed in Monday in a Twitter thread on the president’s “tradition of embellishing.”
Florida Dem Blames DeSantis for Dollar General Shooting
State Rep. Nixon did not respond to The Daily Signal’s request for comment asking how, exactly, DeSantis’ policies had any connection to the violence. Under DeSantis, the black unemployment rate declined 2.9% between the first quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2023.
Busing Illegal Immigrants to Blue America Is Working
Discontent over lawless Democrat policies is much worse now, and New York voters are heaping the blame on Hochul, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, and, most of all, Biden.
A Hysterical Hit Job on Florida’s History Standards
As someone who has taught American history in a Florida school, I’ve followed with particular interest the controversy over the state’s curriculum regarding the so-called “benefits” of slavery. The way this issue has been demagogued is nothing short of outrageous.
Destruction of the Rule of Law in Fani Willis’ Georgia Star Chamber
The attack on the First Amendment and the very structure of the American legal system by the Star Chamber of Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis is a profound assault on our democratic republic and the rule of law.
Merrick Garland’s Special Counsel Charade Violates the Law and Undermines the Hunter Biden Probes
This is a cynical move designed to obfuscate further and delay what should be a straightforward prosecution of Hunter Biden’s myriad criminal activities and shield Joe Biden and his administration from prosecutorial scrutiny.
The Left’s Relentless Attacks on the Supreme Court’s Legitimacy
The Left’s latest “bombshell” is that a wealthy friend helped finance Thomas’ purchase of a recreational vehicle. Good grief! Not exactly Pulitzer material.
Biden’s White House Pays Women Less Than Men
The White House’s median salary for men in 2023 was $105,000, while women’s median salary was $84,000, according to the White House data.
Is Obama Pulling the Strings on “Weekend at Bernie’s” Biden Administration?
A free press worth its salt would be pressing this administration for answers. So, will that happen now? The White House is purging reporters en masse from the White House press corps who might ask uncomfortable questions, so don’t count on it.
Child-Trafficking Bust Proves the Left Was Wrong About “Sound of Freedom”
Less than a month after liberal and left-wing media outlets slammed the child sex-trafficking docudrama “Sound of Freedom” for supposedly being a rallying point for “QAnon supporters” and conspiracy theorists, the FBI announced the arrests of 126 suspects in a massive child-trafficking investigation.
“Snow White” Is the Latest Disney Film to Get Woke-Washed
While the extent of the movie’s progressive proselytizing can only be discovered on its March 2024 release, Disney’s recent history of diluting classic fairy tales and cramming explicitly woke content into its other feature films leaves little hope that much of the original story will be left intact.
LA Times Columnist Tries Desperately to Lionize Kamala
What matters is trying to construct a spin that makes Harris less of a liability for Democrats.
Biden Punishes a Pro-Life State
President Joe Biden’s administration will no longer move the U.S. Space Command to Huntsville, Alabama, despite the government’s own analysis showing the move made sense.
Surprisingly, “Barbie” Offers an Empowering Message to Women
Many of us walked into Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” expecting another major brand to go woke. Much to our surprise, Gerwig’s interpretation leans back into Barbie’s origins—empowering women.
Hot Weather Does Not Mean Climate Change
It is well known that measures of warming are biased upward because temperature readings are taken in urban rather than rural areas and the world has seen increased urbanization over the past centuries.
“Barbie” Highlights the Emptiness of Modern Feminism
“Barbie” has some woke moments. But ultimately, it’s a movie that challenges the understanding of women promulgated by the sexual revolution and modern feminism. Conservatives should cheer that, not despair.
Gaslighting 101: How Biden and the Left Manufacture Their Own Villains
The strategy goes something like this: Take over America’s institutions and weaponize them against the very values that helped establish them in the first place. When people complain, brand them as the extremists to shame them into silence.
You Might Be Safer in Afghanistan Than the Nation’s Capital
“I don’t want to get killed in front of my wife and kids.” That was what Nasrat Ahmad Yar reportedly said to a friend about why he wanted to leave his home country of Afghanistan. On July 3, Yar was fatally shot in Washington, D.C., while finishing a lshift working for Lyft.
CDC’s “Chestfeeding” Tips Show Ideological Corruption of Administrative State
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention actually has issued official guidance for “nonbinary” people on how to “chestfeed” infants. This latest woke lunacy isn’t just a disturbing policy. In a larger sense, it demonstrates how powerful governmental institutions have been co-opted on behalf of a larger, elite-driven cultural revolution.
Decline in Religion Doesn’t Bode Well for the Republic
Over the last several decades, a growing number of Americans have abandoned their faith — usually Christianity — to join the ranks of the nonreligious.
Justices Fail to Back Constitutional Provision Protecting State Legislatures
Unfortunately, a majority of the Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision Tuesday by Chief Justice John Roberts failed to prevent a liberal state court’s interference with the authority of a state legislature under the U.S. Constitution to set the rules and draw the maps for federal elections.
Reading and Math Scores Plummet as Racial and Sexual Activism Replace Academics
As America’s public education system reports the worst literacy and math performance in decades, its schools dedicate increasingly immense portions of their time to lessons on the supposed virtues of racial and gender segregation.
Colorado Health Clinic Promoted Drag Story Hour to Kids with Autism
Seven Dimensions Behavioral Health, a health clinic that works with children who have autism, promoted a Drag Story Hour event featuring adult drag queens performing for children, according to documents obtained by a parental rights’ group.