As images of bombed-out Gaza City streets fill our phone and television screens, Americans could be forgiven for noticing that a literal warzone in the Middle East bears non-trivial resemblance to American dystopias like Detroit and Chicago.
Publication: Daily Caller
The Left’s Green Dreams Are Going Up in Smoke
The Texas Policy Foundation calculates that all-in EV subsidies can reach $40,000 per vehicle. It would practically be cheaper for the government to purchase a new gas vehicle for every American car-buyer. Meanwhile, the news is even worse for wind and solar power.
Wake Up Republicans!
AI Policy is being crafted by Silicon Valley billionaires.
Woke Investing Takes Massive Hit as Investors Lose Interest
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) funds lost billions in the third quarter as demand among investors plummeted, according to Morningstar. Investment funds focused on sustainability goals have lost $2.7 billion in the third quarter of 2023 and they have been closing faster than they are opening during the same period.
Has Iran Compromised the Biden Administration?
Ariane Tabatabai, remains at the Department of Defense, potentially jeopardizing the safety of our special operations forces and success of their missions.
Let Britney Spears’ Story Be a Lesson: Stay Away from Sex-Crazed Men
Mary Rooke: The sad reality is that American women, like Spears, are lied to about the link between abortion and sadness, grief, depression, and anxiety.
Will Smith Is America’s Masculinity Problem in a Nutshell
Mary Rooke: Our men were once capable of commanding respect. Their humble strength protected their family and grew our nation. As the number of men worthy of the arena dwindles, we will continue to experience the infertile ground that forms under selfish women.
The Real Reason Why So Many Young Americans Are Siding with Pure Evil
Schools have become infatuated with teaching children that the entire world exists in a paradigm of oppressed versus oppressor. This hierarchy of oppression has replaced moral teachings of right and wrong. It has programmed students to wrongly believe violence is justified if it is carried out against a group deemed the “oppressor” by prevailing progressive ideologues.
Now’s the Time to Ruthlessly Purge the Universities
Our universities were once a beacon of Western civilization. But for decades, the right called attention to the forced adherence to far-left progressive ideology on campuses. Learning loss doesn’t matter to the left as long as your graduating child has an anxiety disorder about climate change, thinks boys can turn into girls and most importantly, isn’t an evil conservative.
Israel Needs a Second Amendment
The individual right of the people to keep and bear arms is “necessary to the security of a free state.” But as the death toll rises and terrorists are still on the loose, one must also ask: is the Israeli government doing too little, too late?
Americans Supporting Hamas Butchery Would Gladly Do the Same to You
Our major institutions will gladly provide cover for violent extremism, as long as it comes from the left. At worst, left-coded atrocities are slightly overzealous expressions of righteous anger. You don’t have to fully endorse, but you have to at least sympathize. You certainly can’t object.
Loose Women Lead to Ruin. Let This Be a Lesson to Young Men
Mary Rooke: Men shouldn’t be in fear of losing their lives to false allegations. Still, it is reckless to live like consequence-free sex is a real thing. Evil women are going to use your weakness for cheap sex against you.
The Sexual Revolution Set Women Back for Generations
Mary Rooke: Women believed the lie that they’d be happier with sexual freedom than with a loving marriage. The reality is that the granddaughters of Rosie the Riveter are likely depressed, alone, and oversexed.
Men Leaving the Workforce Is Not a Win for Women
Women are being forced to take a more active earning role in the family because men are opting out of the labor market, and progressives are actively cheering their downfall. Mothers with young children should be home teaching and nurturing their families.
If Men Are Really Serious About Saving America, They’ll Launch a War on Porn
Mary Rooke: When men allow their sexual desires to trump their responsibility to protect society, we get a nation like ours where cities are in chaos, children are mutilating themselves, and the government is rounding up political dissidents. America has undoubtedly lost our public spirit. If we want it back, men will have to choose purpose over porn.
Taylor Swift Shows That “Masculinity Has an Unbelievable Draw for Women”
Mary Rooke: Swift shows you can be one of the greatest popstars ever to take the stage, make billions off tours and merchandise, and still say yes when the cute football player asks you out because masculinity has an unbelievable draw for women. We need men to have it because it protects our emotional nature, keeping us balanced.
Don’t Let Covid Hysteria Fool Us Again
For Pfizer and Moderna, the new jabs for a never-ending stream of annual Covid-19 variants are called profit centers.
Our Self-Induced Catastrophe at the Border
The Trump administration’s initial efforts to close the border had been continually obstructed in the Congress, sabotaged by the administrative state and stymied in the courts. Nonetheless, it had finally secured the border by early 2020. Yet almost all its successful initiatives were immediately overturned in 2021.
It’s Good to See Some GOP Women Like Boebert with a Little Giddy-Up
We are lucky that we now live in a world of equality where a female member of Congress can monkey around with a playmate of the other gender (an Aspen bar owner named Quinn Gallagher, but to stay the movie theater theme, let’s call him Hugh Jackman) like the old men have always done. It is what Gloria Steinem fought for.
Paxton, You Idiot, You Risked Your Legacy with Your Affair
Let the recent impeachment attempt of Texas AG Ken Paxton be a lesson to all men. The woman you chose to be your partner can be your greatest ally or the architect of your demise. Paxton should spend the rest of his life working to live up to the love and loyalty that Angela has shown throughout his trial.
Dem’s Porn Scandal Shows That America Has Become a Nation of Exhibitionists
Our cultural drift toward exhibitionism is also on display at Pride parades, where kink enthusiasts insist on promenading, bare-assed and ball-gagged, in front of children.
When Did It Become Acceptable to Publicly Discuss Your Sex Life?
By Mary Rooke: Our nation’s entertainment industry is essentially running a softcore porn business through its constant promotion of casual sex.
Women Aren’t That Complex
By Mary Rooke: We need masculinity that makes us feel loved and secure. Confident women don’t sleep around or take the kids and run.
Women Would Be Better Off as Housewives
By Mary Rooke: The numbers don’t lie. Not a day goes by that a good mother ever wishes she could go back to a time before she had children.