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Trump Wins When the NFL Takes a Knee

Daily Caller

Scott Greer: In the fight over kneeling, Trump is facing off against out-of-touch athletes who appear to be opposing the flag and the troops. ESPN and most political pundits may think he is a dummy for engaging in this fight, but if NFL continues to lose fans over it, Trump will come out as the victor.

CEO Paid $17 Million to Bill Clinton Steps Down

Daily Caller

Doug Becker, Laureate Education’s founding CEO who recruited former President Bill Clinton as honorary chairman and enmeshed his company with the Clinton Foundation, is stepping down, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned  Laureate was considered a poster child for the Clinton Foundation’s “pay-to-play” image problems.

Arrested Utah Nurse Had It Coming

Daily Caller

Gregg Re: There was outrage surrounding the arrest of Alex Wubbels, the Utah nurse who refused to let police officers draw blood from an unconscious car crash victim. Wubbels says, she’d like to “re-educate” the police on proper procedure.  Prospective students are advised to steer clear of Wubbels’ courses.