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Leftist Media Outlets Falsely Claim Trump Failed to Recognize Native American History Month

Daily Caller

Numerous media outlets falsely claimed this week that Trump failed to recognize Native American Heritage Month, despite a presidential proclamation released last Thursday recognizing the event. Critics pointed to another presidential proclamation released the same day, “Presidential Proclamation on National American History and Founders Month,” as proof that the president had forgotten or purposefully written over Native American history.

Dems Can Thank Their Own Impeachment Resolution for Trump’s Reelection Next November

Daily Caller

Jenny Beth Martin: Polls in battleground states show public opposition is growing to Democratic efforts to overturn the results of the 2016 election. I’m betting that by this time a year from now, one week out from President Trump’s reelection, Pelosi and her cronies are going to be wishing they had taken a different route — a route that did not include a trip down the impeachment trail.

Colleges Are Suffering from a Sexual Assault Epidemic and Elites Want Us to Send More Kids

Daily Caller

Why do the American people push college education on the young — and want to spend more money doing that? According to The Washington Post, a large number of students at “prestigious colleges” become perpetrators or victims of nonconsensual sexual violence (including rape). Is that just the result of alcohol (that’s bad enough), or is it a cultural deficit that needs serious attention?

The PC Police Are Coming for Space Colonies

Daily Caller

Bill Nye, the so-called former “science guy,” is warning future space settlers that they had best guard their speech against politically incorrect language. “In the planetary community, we discourage the use of the verb ‘colonize.’ We prefer ‘settle,’” Nye said at the 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) meeting in Washington, D.C.

Leading 2020 Dems Have a Plan to Wreck the Housing Market Again

Daily Caller

Kamala Harris is pushing a $100-billion programto assist up to 4 million minority families to purchase homes. Elizabeth Warren proposed a bill that would spend $450 billion, including providing free down payments targeted to minority households. While such proposals might generate plenty of votes in Democratic primaries, Harris and Warren are ignoring how similar policies helped wreck the housing market and ravished minority communities.

Dem Presidential Candidates Are Gunning for Religious Freedom

Daily Caller

Given that more than 80 percent of the world’s population lives in countries with hostilities against religion, you would think religious liberty should be a major item for a presidential hopeful. Yet, so far, it seems it’s not really a priority for them. People of faith should ask themselves: Do these candidates really believe in religious freedom?

Elizabeth Warren Isn’t the Referee Facebook Needs

Daily Caller

Elizabeth Warren’s push for fact-checking Facebook ads in response to the platform’s renewed hands-off approach to refereeing political speech is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She’s right about the outsized role major tech platforms, especially Facebook, play in our modern political process, but she’s wrong to make it a purely partisan issue.

The Media Turns Fake Whistleblowers into Heroes While Real Ones Get Punished

Daily Caller

The Obama administration dealt with leakers quite harshly, so they were able to control what got out about the numerous scandals. In fact, the Obama administration prosecuted more leakers under the Espionage Act for leaking than all other administrations put together. By contrast, today leakers of fourth-hand hearsay in the Trump administration are heralded by the left as meritorious whistleblowers.

Don Jr. Says He’s Not Taking Civility Lesson from Media Hypocrites

Daily Caller

Donald Trump, Jr.: Liberals have been perfectly content to promote fake narratives that drive deranged men to shoot up Republican lawmakers, cite “hate lists” that led directly to an attempted mass shooting at a Christian organization, and call my father and his supporters racists and neo-Nazis, knowing full well that Antifa thugs take that as a license to punch, mace, and beat people who attend Trump rallies.

Time for the Press to Do Its Job

Daily Caller

Tucker Carlson, Neil Patel: The Biden campaign has decided that their best strategy for handling allegations of corruption is to shame the press out of covering it. They have labeled any such allegations against Biden as Trump-inspired conspiracy theories and pushed newsrooms in an unprecedented way to ignore them. So far, it’s largely working.

Trump Honors Elijah Cummings

Daily Caller

President Donald Trump honored the late Democratic Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings on Thursday, calling him a “highly respected political leader”…Trump and Cummings engaged in a feud earlier this year after the president ripped Cummings’ home city of Baltimore as a “a very dangerous & filthy place,” referencing the city’s high crime rate. Trump’s comments were denounced as racist by Democratic leaders, although the president denied the charge.

Warren’s Policies Would Undermine Our Freedom

Daily Caller

Elizabeth Warren, known to tell a tall tale or two, is climbing to the top of the totem pole for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination…She’s gone off the reservation to attract a whole bunch of “Warren warriors” who will support her to be the next commander in chief. However, when people take a deep dive into Warren’s policy views, they might want to think twice about supporting her run for the nomination.

Arrest of Giuliani Associates Is Likely to Damage America’s Faith in Justice System

Daily Caller

It seems to follow the standard deep state playbook, as we saw during the Mueller investigation of the Russian collusion hoax; round up peripheral characters on unrelated charges with a view towards putting the screws to them in pursuit of something, anything, that might remotely connect them to the president. Squeeze someone under indictment hard enough and they’ll say virtually anything…

Daily Caller Exclusive Interview with Rudy

Daily Caller

President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani says he’s not intimidated by House Democrats or former Vice President Joe Biden who recently attempted to get him banned from the airwaves. During a sit down interview with the Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill, Giuliani said that the Democrats attacks against him are small potatoes compared to what he has been through in his lifetime.

Behind the Network of Outside, Leftie Groups Pushing Racial Policies in Cities, Countries Nationwide

Daily Caller

Many cities and counties are adopting radical policies that see every aspect of government operations through the “lens” of race. A network of George Soros-backed activist groups has worked to push these policies at the most local level of government, where there is little scrutiny. The policies are justified by citing research attributed to the University of Southern California, which actually comes from an outfit connected to the activist groups and whose work economists say is junk science.

The Impeachment Effort Is on Life Support

Daily Caller

So the colluders accuse Trump of colluding, the bullies accuse him of bullying, the conspirators accuse him of coverups, the politicians accuse him of playing politics, the profiteers accuse him of profiteering. Whatever they accuse President Trump of next, you can bet they are already up to their necks in it.