Pro-life lawmakers and advocates passed a tidal wave of pro-life legislation in 2019, the same year in which President Donald Trump cut down taxpayer funding for family planning clinics across the nation.
Publication: Daily Caller
The IRS Placed Lien on Hunter Biden for About $113K in Unpaid Taxes
Hunter Biden’s lawyer, George Mesires, did not return multiple requests for comment asking whether Hunter Biden’s unpaid taxes from 2015 were related to his work with Burisma or BHR Partners and whether the lien has been released.
Nike’s Kaepernick Shoes Sell Out in a Single Day
What has he done to justify this level of popularity? This is the same guy who wore pig socks, praised Fidel Castro and refused to stand for the national anthem. Yet, he’s been built up like some hero that the NFL is out to get.
Merriam-Webster Has Named “They” as Its Word of the Year
Pronouns are being weaponized, this time to redefine mankind as a sexless species, where any individual may claim a “gender” that is more or less masculine, feminine, some of either, or neither.
Trump Didn’t Receive Due Process
So how can American trust the impeachment process?
It’s Time to Regulate Porn to Protect Our Kids
Earlier this month, four GOP members of Congress sent a letter to AG William Barr urging the DOJ to crack down on the porn industry by enforcing already existing laws against obscenity. The move set off a firestorm on Twitter, especially among conservatives, with some calling for greater regulation of pornography while others, most of whom were libertarian-leaning, emphatically denounced any attempt to regulate the industry as a violation of what they argued was constitutionally protected free speech.
Climate-Change Alarmists Are Getting More Delusional in Their Predictions
Barely a day goes by without some so-called expert or group of experts proclaiming the world only has one year, two years, 10 years and so on to substantially reduce fossil-fuel consumption, or else it will be too late to prevent multitudes of cascading global disasters that make the biblical plagues of Egypt pale by comparison.
“Ford v Ferrari” Depicts History — Liberals Should Get Over It
Should the actual history of that moment be censored because it offends the sensitivities of some on the left today? Should white male Carroll Shelby have been played by a female actor named “Carol”? Should male Ken Miles have been played by Danica Patrick? Should the Ford GT 40 and the Ferrari have been replaced by a hybrid Prius and a Chevy Volt?
Jonathan Turley Knocked the Wheels off the Impeachment
Turley’s fact-based refutation of the left’s impeachment messaging — especially the latest talking point about the supposed “urgency” of removing the president from office — is precisely what Pelosi didn’t want the American people to hear. This is what it looks like when the wheels come off the wagon.
San Francisco Quality of Life Will Get Worse
San Francisco garnered national headlines with the election of its new district attorney, a progressive, which means there will be zero progress made in the homelessness crisis, and little if any made toward reducing crime in the city and county.
Melania Leaves Her Mark on Christmas at the White House
What has become evident about Christmas at the White House with Mrs. Trump is how innovative she is in her decorating the Executive Mansion while at the same time paying homage to prior first ladies. She is clearly studied and knowledgeable in the long-standing traditions deeply rooted in the White House and this is seen through her annual decorating themes.
If Trump Teaches the British to Be Optimistic, It Could Be “Morning in the UK” Again
Peggy Grande: The U.K. should be ready to embrace a bright and prosperous future of success and sovereignty beginning on Jan. 31, 2020. I hope that President Trump brings Reagan’s economic blueprint of “the American miracle” with him to the NATO summit, along with a message of optimism, hope, and freedom.
The Senate Impeachment Trial Will Become Pelosi’s Nightmare
It actually was, for all intentions and purposes, a “perfect call” between President Trump and President Volodymyr Zelensky, and the evidence the American public has now bears this out. While House Democrats try to figure out a way to sell the impeachment process to an increasingly skeptical electorate, Republicans have now published chapter and verse on the matter, in the form of the House Intel Committee’s report of evidence into the inquiry.
America’s Founders Would Be Disgusted by Deep State’s Effort to Stop Trump
The Constitution refers to “high crimes and misdemeanors” as the standard for its most extreme remedy: overturning a duly-held election through impeachment. But much of the first round of Democrats’ impeachment hearings have focused instead on the strangeness of the president’s foreign policy stances to longtime experts enmeshed in the post-Cold War consensus of the last several decades.
Roger Stone, Jeffrey Epstein and the Crackup of America’s Leadership
When rapists and pedophiles are protected as political disputes are criminalized, it’s not hard to see why people are questioning the leadership of our country.
Rick Perry Says Trump’s Was “Chosen by God” But….
They forget he said the same thing about Obama.
Fiona Hill Wrote 2015 Op-Ed Opposing US Aid to Ukraine
Former senior director for European and Russian Affairs Fiona Hill testified Thursday in the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump over allegations that Trump withheld aid to the Ukrainians in an attempt to coerce the country into launching an investigation into the business dealings of former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.
Bill Barr Is Restoring Faith in the Department of Justice
Former Attorney General Ed Meese, who served under President Ronald Reagan, told the Daily Caller in an exclusive interview that he believes Attorney General Bill Barr is working to restore trust in the Department of Justice. “I think that Bill Barr has done an outstanding job as attorney general, having to take over and look at situations that go all the way back to the Obama administration,” Meese said when asked to evaluate Barr’s performance…
Lara Trump on 2020 Race and Hillary
The president’s daughter-in-law and campaign adviser Lara Trump sat down with the Daily Caller to discuss the 2020 race and her thoughts on if Hillary Clinton decides to jump into the race. When asked about which 2020 Democratic candidate the campaign is worried about, Trump responded that they weren’t too concerned about any candidate in the race, instead listing off some of the president’s biggest accomplishments — including record low unemployment numbers.
Dems Are Scrambling to Find a Backup Plan After Impeachment Hearings
Wednesday’s “star witnesses” — George Kent and Bill Taylor — in House impeachment hearings were supposed to deliver testimony that would go up like a rocket and stay there. Sadly for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff, and the rest of the Democratic Party, their testimony fizzled out before the spark made it all the way up the fuse.
Jeff Sessions Is a Threat to Mitch McConnell; Trump Would Be Smart to Endorse Him
With former Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions running to reclaim his seat, many of the president’s strongest supporters have noted that no member of the Senate would be more supportive of the Trump agenda than Sessions. Implicit in this truth is the recognition that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has not been fully supportive of the Trump agenda.
Obama and Clinton Alumni Serve at UN, Continuing Liberal Influence Over International Affairs During Trump Era
Obama-era Democrats are still influencing foreign affairs, now through jobs at the United Nations and at other international organizations where Americans can help shape international politics in ways at odds with the Trump administration. Before and after the start of Donald Trump’s presidency, Obama- and Clinton-aligned politicos took the positions, which are not U.S. government jobs but generally are the result of lobbying by U.S. officials.
House Dems Violate the 6th Amendment by Denying Trump a Public Trial
Impeachment is a legal proceeding, and just as criminal defendants have constitutional rights in criminal trials so too does Trump have constitutional rights, which House Democrats are denying him. For example, the Sixth Amendment gives criminal defendants the right to “a speedy and public trial.” House Democrats are trying Trump in secret and are denying him the right to a public proceeding.
Liberal “Climate Mayors” Are Proving Trump Right on Paris Climate Accord
The United States withdrew because the Paris Accord was simply a bad, ineffective deal. It came with billions of dollars of direct and indirect costs to American taxpayers and the economy, while producing no meaningful impact on the environment or climate. Its range of virtue-signaling policies are designed to make our reliable fossil-based energy more expensive — prohibitively so.