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Trump Is Entitled to the National Security Council He Wants

Daily Caller

As the Commander-in-Chief, Trump is entitled to the National Security Council (NSC) he wants.  NSC officials, like everyone else in the government, serve at the pleasure of the president – not the other way around. And in case folks skipped civics class in high school, the president sets national security and foreign policy, not his staff. 

Looking Ahead to Trump’s Second Term

Daily Caller

If Sanders does win the Democratic nomination, the main benefit for a lot of us will be watching every financial and political leader in America scramble to choose between Sanders and Trump. All of a sudden, a lot of hedge fund never-Trumpers are going to reconsider.

Lead Juror in Roger Stone Case Ran for Congress as Dem in 2012

Daily Caller

Former Democratic congressional candidate whose social media accounts are replete with criticism of President Trump came forward Wednesday as the foreperson on the jury that convicted longtime GOP operative Roger Stone last November…Tomeka Hart revealed her role on the jury in a Facebook post supporting the four prosecutors who withdrew from the Stone case Tuesday in protest over a revision in a sentencing recommendation for the GOP operative.

Everything Is Coming Up Trump

Daily Caller

As Speaker Nancy Pelosi tore up President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech page by page, she put the finishing touches on one of the greatest political rehab jobs of all time. The Democrats have managed to turn Trump into a thoroughly sympathetic figure.

Dems Plan to Protect Illegal Alien Criminals from Deportation and Fundamentally Change America

Daily Caller

Discussing the proposed New Way Forward Act during a Thursday night “Tucker Carlson Tonight” monologue, Carlson noted that the bill is currently “sponsored by 44 House Democrats, including Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” yet has “received almost no publicity.”…He called the act the “single most radical single piece of legislation we have ever seen proposed in this country, ever”

Buttigieg’s Candidacy Will Be Torpedoed by His Fellow Gays

Daily Caller

The problem is that on various trendy transgender issues (which even gay people didn’t support just a decade ago), the gay community’s consensus is sharply at odds with the national consensus. Republicans and conservative-leaning media will ask him questions about transgender rights, and he’ll have to choose between alienating his “home community” and alienating the rest of the country.

Google Employees Used Company Resources to Organize Anti-Trump Resistance

Daily Caller

Peter Hasson: Google employees interpreted Trump’s election as a terrible outcome that they should have done more to prevent the American people from choosing and something they would work hard to make sure didn’t happen again. Indeed, I obtained documents and communications showing Google employees organizing anti-Trump protests using internal company channels, company time, and company office space.

Davos Globalists Get Trumped Once Again

Daily Caller

It’s easy to see why so many people were eager to play up Greta Thunberg’s tired rehash of the same sky-is-falling climate change act she’s been doing for months, despite not actually doing anything to address the supposedly apocalyptic problem. President Trump’s success runs counter to everything Davos has ever stood for.

One Ohio Town Where Jobs Are Coming Back

Daily Caller

After Trump announced a 25% tariff on steel and a 10% tariff on aluminum beginning in March 2018, the people of Lorain got a bit of good news. Republic Steel, whose Lorain mill had gone idle in 2016, announced it was coming back to the city, promising to create 1,000 jobs. Production is slated to begin this spring.

CNN Gives Platform to Spokeswoman for the 1979 US Embassy Hostage-Takers to Push Iranian Propaganda

Daily Caller

CNN on Monday conducted a lengthy interview with an Iranian government official who once served as the spokeswoman for a group of students who held 52 American diplomats hostage for more than a year in 1979. CNN’s Christiane Amanpour did little to push back on Iranian official Massoumeh Ebtekar’s assertions that the U.S. carried out a “terrorist” action by killing Qasem Soleimani. ..