Governors must narrowly tailor any limits they place on Americans’ movement in their communities and across states as temporary. A federal shelter-in-place order should be prevented at all costs. Public health should absolutely be protected, but so too should the constitutional rights of Americans under the Constitution.
Publication: Daily Caller
Trump Is Taking the Lead in the Campaign to Save America
As COVID-19 makes uncertainty an everyday reality, where no one and no thing is spared, all bets are off when it comes to predicting what lies ahead, and who will lead us there. Yet if you had to make one wager today, bet on President Donald Trump to keep his job for another four years.
In a National Crisis, Biden Should Put Country Above Campaign
While McCain and Obama jointly called for bipartisan cooperation in the face of a worrisome financial shock in 2008, Biden has instead been spreading panic and trying to score cheap political points. Biden’s first instinct was to go on the attack, when it should have been to calm a nervous nation.
Trump’s Press Briefings Have Become Center Stage for the Coronavirus Response
The daily palate of press conferences from the White House press briefing room has become must-watch television, not only for every concerned American, but also for every student of strategic communications, crisis management and theatre. These national powwows are headlined by a president moving to the top of his game…
Tucker Carlson Airs Report Virus Probably Originated from a Wuhan Lab
A South China University of Technology report detailed the tracing of COVID-19 to the intermediate horseshoe bat — a bat that they confirmed was not available at the Wuhan wet market and did not live locally. The only place those particular bats existed locally was inside a research facility — which was just several hundred yards from the Wuhan wet market…
China Markets Reopen Selling Bats, Dogs and Cats
China ordered that its wet-markets be shut down in January, after facts emerged suggesting that coronavirus was first transmitted to humans via bats and other live animals sold in the often filthy places of commerce. However, now that China says it’s beaten the virus, the markets seem to have resumed business as usual.
Coronavirus Shutdown Achieves Democratic Utopia of Universal Government Dependence
In one fell swoop, governments have – on the basis of frightening and at least partially retracted scenarios – sucked the life and much wealth out of a vibrant economy and society, not just decimating markets but shutting down stores, restaurants, gyms and other gathering places.
Pelosi Is Trying to Use the Coronavirus Package to Get Ahead on Election Day
Where the rest of the country sees a crisis and a need to work together as a nation to combat it, Speaker Nancy Pelosi sees a dazzling opportunity to extort extreme policy goals from her colleagues as her toll for allowing safe passage to critical recovery funds to reach American families, workers, and businesses.
Joe Biden Keeps Pushing Misinformation About the Coronavirus
Biden, the Democratic frontrunner for president, has sought to politically capitalize on the coronavirus pandemic. But on at least five different occasions, Biden and his campaign have spread misinformation about the response to the virus.
WHO Director-General Tedros Was Accused of Covering Up Cholera Epidemic in Africa
A group of American doctors wrote that Tedros was “fully complicit in the terrible suffering and dying” that stemmed from a cholera outbreak in Sudan…He is now under fire for accepting the communist Chinese government’s spin about its handling of coronavirus, which has killed more than 16,000 people to date.
Top WHO Official Tedros Ghebreyesus Won Election with China’s Help
Now, Tedros is leading the WHO, an arm of the United Nations, in providing cover for China’s oppressive regime as it attempts to shirk responsibility for the global coronavirus pandemic…He even praised China’s disastrous handling of the pandemic as an example for the rest of the world to follow.
The Liberal Media’s Credibility Crashes
There’s pattern in liberal media coverage of the virus. At first, the virus was not even as close as bad as the flu — nothing to see here folks, move along. From there the new tale was that Trump was overreacting, and his actions would backfire as there was no need for travel restrictions. Then — presto! — He was doing too little, too late.
CPAC Coronavirus Coverage Exposes Media Bias
The mainstream media are betraying the trust of the American people with their politicized coverage of the coronavirus outbreak — and the recent efforts to portray the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) as a breeding ground for COVID-19 offers clear proof.
Don’t Let Dems Off the Hook for Coronavirus
From the very beginning, the left has treated the coronavirus as an opportunity to score political points. When the White House implemented an early ban on travelers from China, some liberals accused the President of being racist and xenophobic, subordinating concerns about Americans’ health and safety to their normal social justice priorities.
We Should All Pay Far Closer Attention to “Emergency Declarations”
The unquestioning manner by which people simply accept measures undertaken in the name of an “emergency” that directly and significantly undermine other, constitutionally guaranteed rights is unsettling.
Biden Starts Coronavirus-Centered Debate with a Cough
Asked what he would say to Americans “who are confronting this new reality,” Biden responded by saying, “First of all, my heart goes out to those,” and coughed before continuing, “who have already lost someone or those sufferingfrom the virus.”
Coronavirus: The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself
This is the quickest-spreading and most troubling viral situation coming from Asia since the Gangnam Style dance. And like that fad, this one will eventually fade.
Students Met with Public Masturbation as They Pray Outside Abortion Clinic
On Saturday, students from Whatcom Community College praying outside a Washington state Planned Parenthood said they were exposed to multiple instances of inappropriate behavior from people passing by, including an incident where a man masturbated at them from a car.
Stacey Abrams Would Be a Horrible Choice for VP
What has she done in office? Her Wikipedia page could only come up with two accomplishments not spearheaded by Republicans: reforming a state scholarship and defeating a tax on cable television.
Sexism Is an Excuse, Not a Reason
Failed Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has sufficiently positioned herself as a proxy victim for every woman denied a female president. And, somehow, we should all accept without question that sexism was the root cause of her failed campaign…Pedantic lecturing is an unappealing habit of the ivory tower crowd Warren hangs with.
Biden Is Not Playing with a Full Deck
Republicans are preparing a full court press on former Vice President Joe Biden’s mental fitness for office in the event that he wins the Democratic presidential nomination, GOP sources told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
A Bad Night for Socialism
Establishment Lifts Joe Biden Over Bernie Sanders Insurgency On Super Tuesday.
Presidential Leadership on Display with Coronavirus
The Democrats need to stop backseat driving. The President is the one who’s supposed to handle emergencies, and President Trump has got the coronavirus situation completely under control.
Bernie Campaign Embraces Radical Group That Wants to Abolish Prisons and Promotes Palestinian Terrorists
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign has embraced a far-left group that seeks to abolish prisons and has promoted a group the U.S. State Department designated as a Palestinian terrorist organization, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found.