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Coronavirus Is Not a Justification for a Police State

Daily Caller

Governors must narrowly tailor any limits they place on Americans’ movement in their communities and across states as temporary. A federal shelter-in-place order should be prevented at all costs. Public health should absolutely be protected, but so too should the constitutional rights of Americans under the Constitution.

China Markets Reopen Selling Bats, Dogs and Cats

Daily Caller

China ordered that its wet-markets be shut down in January, after facts emerged suggesting that coronavirus was first transmitted to humans via bats and other live animals sold in the often filthy places of commerce. However, now that China says it’s beaten the virus, the markets seem to have resumed business as usual.

The Liberal Media’s Credibility Crashes

Daily Caller

There’s pattern in liberal media coverage of the virus. At first, the virus was not even as close as bad as the flu — nothing to see here folks, move along. From there the new tale was that Trump was overreacting, and his actions would backfire as there was no need for travel restrictions. Then — presto! — He was doing too little, too late.

Don’t Let Dems Off the Hook for Coronavirus

Daily Caller

From the very beginning, the left has treated the coronavirus as an opportunity to score political points. When the White House implemented an early ban on travelers from China, some liberals accused the President of being racist and xenophobic, subordinating concerns about Americans’ health and safety to their normal social justice priorities.

Sexism Is an Excuse, Not a Reason

Daily Caller

Failed Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has sufficiently positioned herself as a proxy victim for every woman denied a female president. And, somehow, we should all accept without question that sexism was the root cause of her failed campaign…Pedantic lecturing is an unappealing habit of the ivory tower crowd Warren hangs with.