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Obamagate Indictments Are Overdue

Daily Caller

Should Barr/Durham not bring indictments and go to trial against the officials who organized the coup against President Trump, then the United States will become a “failed state.” The compromised justice system would be held in contempt by the people it was designed to protect.

Is Donald Trump the Next Jimmy Carter?

Daily Caller

Trump’s problem, like Carter’s, is his leadership. Where Carter was feckless, Trump is reckless. Trump makes predictions based on gut feelings, not evidence (the virus will end by April). He suggests stupid things (ingesting disinfectant). He undercuts his own message and key advisers.

NY Attorney General Report Would Remake NYPD in George Soros’ Image

Daily Caller

On July 8, Letitia James, the Attorney General for the state of New York, issued a “Preliminary Report on the New York City Police Department’s Response to Demonstrations Following the Death of George Floyd.” The 57-page document makes clear that neither the governor (who requested the report) nor the attorney general “has the backs” of the largest civilian police force in the country.

Trump’s Supposed Russophilia Is a Total Myth

Daily Caller

President Trump has done many things during his time in office — but protecting Russia isn’t one of them.  Sadly, the liberal media are clinging grimly to the long-debunked myth that Donald Trump is secretly an agent of the Kremlin, desperately trying to resurrect it ahead of the upcoming presidential election. Russian Collusion Narrative 3.0.

Slavery Is Not Just a U.S. Problem

Daily Caller

Somehow this racial strife over slavery is portrayed as just a U.S. problem. But almost all countries on Earth have been involved in slavery at some point in their history. America has not had slaves for 150 years, unless you count Amazon employees and CNN interns. 

The Left Is Clearing a Pathway to Power

Daily Caller

Those who charge that institutional racism is rampant in America are the same as those who run the country’s major institutions – city governments, academe, the media, Hollywood, major sports leagues and the Washington, D.C. deep state bureaucracy. Accountability? None.  The irony is rich.

Trump Is Delivering Unprecedented Results for Black Americans

Daily Caller

The Democrat Party and his handlers know that Joe Biden can’t hold a candle to President Trump’s successful record on issues facing the black community, and so they are keeping him away from the public and the press. The fact is Joe Biden’s 44-year political career has hurt the black community more than maybe any public official’s career over the past half century.

The FBI Takes a Knee Before Protestors

Daily Caller

Today’s FBI, as witnessed just recently by its employees kneeling before those who violate the very laws its personnel are sworn to uphold, and in the 2016-17 efforts by its senior officials to target President Trump, Gen. Michael Flynn and others for political reasons, has forsaken its fundamental and defining mission.

Trump Should Call for a National Day of Healing and Unity

Daily Caller

Although the president’s current strategy of denouncing Democrats for their weakness in confronting violent rabble-rousers is accurate, it is not working. Yes, the American people want a strong, law-and-order leader in a time of crisis. But because of the racial overtones of the protests and rioting, they also want a Uniter-in-Chief who unites us whenforces are working to divide us.