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The Birth of the Coalition of Normal People May Be Upon Us

Daily Caller

Throughout this election, there were signs of the birth of a coalition of normal people unhappy with the radical turns our country has been taking. Regardless of how the presidential race turns out, the potential political realignment is unmistakable. Hispanic and blue-collar workers are shifting noticeably away from the overtures of the left-wing, “defund the police” crowd.

The Disinformationists

Daily Caller

Pollsters, the vast majority of them progressives, have become political operatives. They see their task as ginning up political support for their candidates and demoralizing the opposition. Some are profiteering as internal pollsters for political campaigns and special interests.

The Daily Caller Spent Election Night in the White House. Here’s What It Was Like

Daily Caller

Election night 2020 offered a number of last-minute surprises, but to the hundreds of Trump supporters gathered Tuesday evening at the White House, it was a good old fashioned party…Guests dined on all of the president’s favorites: hamburgers, chicken tenders, french fries and pigs in a blanket, and while Trump himself doesn’t partake, the booze was definitely flowing.

It’s Easy to Predict the Loser in Tuesday’s Election

Daily Caller

Nobody knows how the election will turn out, but we can say with confidence that this is the first election where so many trusted authorities in our country have tried to tip the scales so hard. Regardless of the outcome, the partisan unfairness we have seen through this election cycle will further erode what we need most in our country: a renewal of trust.

Bobu Blows the Whistle on the Bidens

Daily Caller

Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday that “Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised.” Bobulinski recalled how Joe Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, said “plausible deniability” would shield the Biden family from scrutiny over their Chinese business dealings.

The Left Vs the Working Class

Daily Caller

The Left likes to speak for the working class, but that’s about all it ever does for them.Because when it comes to policy, progressive ideas don’t just deprioritize working families. Progressive policies are actively harmful to anyone besides the rich and urban elites who craft them. This has always been so, but never truer than it is today.

Why Liberals Want Control of Private Education

Daily Caller

Allen West: Attacks on private colleges aren’t about protecting students or improving the quality of education; they are about control. Democrats want to ensure students don’t have a diverse array of options and are stuck attending schools controlled by the administrative class, many of which emphasize indoctrination over education…and repugnant antiracist training.

The Election May Be Over

Daily Caller

The fact that Biden is not willing to commit himself against radical ideas should worry every American more moderate than an Elizabeth Warren/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Democrat. It may be too late for a comeback, but making sure every American understands this issue could be Trump’s last shot.

The Unscientific Attack on the Science of Dr. Scott Atlas

Daily Caller

Atlas has warned that the available test data on Covid-19’s infectiousness, spread and morbidity must be handled with care, given that those who feel sick are more like to get tested. He argues that those with some natural protection from the virus, either through antibodies from an asymptotic past infection or through T-cells, may be a far larger group than previously thought.

If You Kneel for Anything, You Stand for Nothing

Daily Caller

The NFL has somehow opened its season and at the same time tied itself to the muddled message of professional malcontent Colin Kaepernick and the BLM movement. We are not sure what they are mad about or asking for, and we are tired of being preached to by hypocrites who do not understand their own sermon.