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It’s Time to Leave the Democrat Party

Daily Caller

Bryan Dean Wright: The bigotry of the Democrat base, the violence encouraged by its leaders, the physical harm perpetrated by hysterical followers, shows that the Democrat Party has become irredeemable. For Democrats like me, we have no choice but to leave and join the new, populist Republican Party.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki Tweeted a Gay Slur at Lindsey Graham

Daily Caller

Psaki tweeted a gay slur at South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham late 2020, a tweet from August shows. “Only in 2020 does #LadyG get to push a bunch of debunked conspiracy theories while questioning @SallyQYates (aka an American hero),” Psaki tweeted last August. Psaki’s reference to “Lady G” refers to rumors that have circulated on social media about Graham’s sexuality.

Trump Should Be Convicted by the Senate

Daily Caller

Steve Calabresi: Whether or not Trump’s words were a violation of the criminal law, they fall squarely within the Framers’ definition of “a High Crime and Misdemeanor.” Impeachable offenses are crimes of state, which damage the Constitution. And that is what Donald Trump did with the “Bully Pulpit” of the Presidency.

The Senate Should Not Convict Trump

Daily Caller

Scott Gerber: Barring Trump from ever again holding federal office, which is what the Democrats are most committed to trying to do, would deprive the American people of the right to vote for or against the nation’s 45th president. The American electorate are not wards of the government. The Senate should not be making the choice for us.

The “After Trump” Era Begins

Daily Caller

In our brave new world, we will hear no more retired military officers weighing in on the “fascism” of the commander in chief. None will compare the recurring violence of antifa or Black Lives Matter to that of Islamic terrorists. None will compare Biden, who dismissed antifa as a mere “idea,” to Mussolini or the Nazis. Any retired officer who smears the president, we will be reminded, would violate the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

A Way Forward for Republicans

Daily Caller

Strength is not the same as authoritarianism. No, Mr. President, we don’t believe in praising foreign dictators or abusing criminal suspects or castigating prisoners of war or making fun of our opponents’ appearance. This is beneath us as a party and as a nation. It may evince guilty laughter but it is not ennobling and loses votes. An appeal to our better angels works better in the long run.

Times Have Changed for the Bidens

Daily Caller

If the end game is to install Kamala Harris as president, Joe Biden may not be able to rely on the institutional structures that have protected him from scrutiny for decades. It would be ironic if the same tactics that were supposed to have taken down Donald Trump wind up forcing out Joe Biden.

Biden Is Building a Secret EPA

Daily Caller

After spending the last six months trying to convince us that he doesn’t support extreme ideas like a full ban on fracking and the Green New Deal, Biden is creating bureaucratic positions for leaders that are fully behind those disastrous proposals.

The Chinese Have Their Fangs in the Dems

Daily Caller

The Dems are so in bed with China, Hunter Biden’s Secret service code name is Dim Son….Back in the day, we had men’s men handling our intel. Congressmen who were war veterans and played football were in charge. If you wonder why we have the intel mess we have today, this is what happens when your intelligence leaders only went to band camp.

Liberal Austin Mayor’s Cabo Vacation Sets New Low for Leaders’ Covid Hypocrisy

Daily Caller

Like many other left-leaning mayors across the country, Mayor Adler has been a staunch supporter of strict lockdown policies that have left people out of work, driven small businesses to permanently close and contributed to an increase in anxiety and depression. Despite a lack of evidence that these measures actually slow the spread of the virus, Adler has often sounded the alarm that noncompliance would cost lives.

Trump’s Real Legacy

Daily Caller

Even in defeat, Trump has solidified his large GOP middle class base and positioned Republicans (if they are smart) for continued inroads among White suburban women, African Americans, Asians and Hispanics.

Potential Biden Buyer’s Remorse

Daily Caller

Now that Joe Biden’s COVID policies are being unmasked, those who voted for him may be coming down with bad cases of buyer’s remorse. It has been hard to pin down exactly what prospective President Biden would do about the pandemic given the chance.