The Centner Academy, founded by the anti-vaccine advocate Leila Centner in 2019, has about 300 students and promotes “medical freedom” from vaccines on its website. The school also offers help to parents willing to opt out of some immunization programs mandatory for students in Florida.
Publication: Daily Caller
BLM Co-Founder’s Jail Reform Group Dropped $26K at Luxury Malibu Beach Resort
It’s unclear why Reform LA Jails booked meetings at the luxury Malibu beach resort. The California Fair Political Practices Commission, which regulates political groups such as Reform LA Jails, states that campaign funds “must be used for political, legislative, or governmental purposes.”
Black Lives Clamor
A spokesman for the national BLM organization suggested a New York-based Black activist who called for an independent investigation of the group’s finances is illegally using the BLM name. Hawk Newsome, the leader of an unaffiliated organization called Black Lives Matter Greater New York, criticized BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, for presenting herself as a socialist while at the same time purchasing four homes across the U.S. since 2016 for a total of $3.2 million.
BLM Co-Founder Earned $20K a Month as Chairwoman of Jail Reform Group
BLM Global Network Foundation co-founder and executive director Patrisse Cullors, a self-identified “trained Marxist,” raked in upwards of $20,000 a month serving as the chairwoman of a jail reform group in 2019, according to campaign finance records reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation. Reform LA Jails disbursed a total of $191,000 to Cullors in 2019 through her firm, Janaya and Patrisse Consulting.
Wealthy and Woke
Multimillion-dollar NBA stars blast America’s “systemic racism.” They utter not a word about Chinese re-education camps, the destruction of Tibetan culture or the strangulation of Hong Kong’s democracy. Player salaries depend on coaxing a huge Chinese market.
If Voter ID Is Racist, Why Is the Left Pushing Vaccine Passports?
Many of the same people calling for vaccine passports are also adamant that voter ID laws are racist. Funny how both are supposed to fulfill a similar role in principle, which is to confirm one’s identity. So how is it that the left claims one is akin to “Jim Crow” and the other is a public safety necessity?
Biden’s Early Forays in the International Arena Are Dangerously Weak
On the world stage, where since the demise of the Soviet Union three decades ago, the United States has reigned as the only true superpower, the absence of leadership is seen as weakness. If you are perceived as weak, you will be challenged accordingly.
Texas Covid Cases and Deaths Plummet After Gov. Abbott Repeals Mask Mandate
Many Democratic politicians predicted that Texas’ cases and deaths would skyrocket as a result of Abbott’s move.
We Need Self-Control, Not Gun Control
Dems, Hollywood, government officials and the mainstream press are all protected by gun-toting security. A few knuckleheads stormed the Capitol and the place was locked down with barbed wire, fences and heavily armed security/National Guard troops (at a taxpayer cost of more than $50 million). These “elites” are safe precisely because their guards have guns, which ghettos, farms and trailer parks do not.
Banning Assault Weapons Makes Poor Americans Less Safe
We know that poor and other disadvantaged Americans are disproportionately the victims of violent crime. Our habit of targeting the most inexpensive, effective firearms will likewise disproportionately price these Americans — who are most in need of an effective mechanism for self-defense — out of the market entirely.
Racially Motivated Shakedowns Proliferate in Today’s Hyper-Polarized Culture
Jesse Jackson’s long-time strategy that he launched in the early 1980s of using race as a lever to pressure corporations into donating money to causes he championed lives on, with renewed vigor in today’s hyper-partisan political environment. Truly, no sporting event or business is safe from becoming a racial football.
Anthony Fauci Must Go
Over the past year, Dr. Fauci has personally discredited the parts of government that are meant to be apolitical. He has done this through his bizarrely ego-driven need to be front and center, constantly; his willingness to undercut President Trump, seemingly for the sake of attention; and his ever-changing instructions and assertions about what the “facts” are.
Amazon Should Have to Explain Why It Continues to Cancel Clarence Thomas Documentary
Last month, Amazon took down a top-selling, award-winning documentary, Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, from its streaming platform Prime. Amazon still has not explained why, but every factor points to the ideological cancellation of one of the most important voices in America – simply because he is a black conservative voice.
Dem Shallowness on Fully Display in Reaction to Atlanta Spa Murders
Democrats are sniffing glue and reading the New York Times again. How else can one explain their reduction of the deeply complex and innately subhuman act of slaughtering eight individuals to a run-of-the-mill “hate” crime, on par with screaming racial slurs at a passerby on the sidewalk? It is an explanation so sophomoric that it borders on irresponsibly stupid.
The Truth Nobody Tells About Our Voting Rules
Highly educated people are now voting Democrat more than they used to, and working people are voting Republican more than they used to. Many Republicans talk openly of becoming the party of the working class American. If they succeed, it could be Republicans who benefit from increasing voter turnout in the future.
The True Cost of Your Stimulus Check
At a time when Americans desperately need real hope and real economic opportunity, the so-called stimulus package seems tailor-made to take both from them, massively increasing the debt of generations to come in the process.
Dazed and Confused: Biden’s First 50 Days
Obama got rid of Osama bin Laden and Trump killed Iranian terrorist Qasem Soleimani and others. Not to be outdone, and in just 50 days, Biden and his PC police got Mr. Potato Head, Pepe Le Pew and The Cat in the Hat.
Meghan Interview Was a Royal Pain to Watch
The lesson is that, no matter how well you succeed in America, you can always pretend to be a victim of racism and a long list of fashionable “isms” — even if you are a WASPY Prince of England. Meghan and Harry have shown the world that, to be accepted by the liberal establishment no matter how successful you are, you still have to find some reason to feel that you are oppressed and angry.
A Reckoning for Covid Bungling Is Overdue
The fact that Dr. Fauci is still a revered public figure has much more to do with his political acumen than any demonstrated ability to manage public health. As more information emerges, Fauci may find himself going the way of “killer Cuomo.”
Coke Capitulates to the Contemporary, Cowardly, Corporate Creed
Ron Hart: After years of being well run by gutsy leaders, like most large corporations in America Coke has cowed to the PC Democrat overlords and has ordered its employees to act less white…In the parking lot at Coke, hybrid cars get to park up front. If I worked there, I’d park my Yukon in one of the coveted spots, tell management that it identifies as a Nissan Leaf, and just dare them to fire me. And they would — because I am white.
The Golden Globes Show Gets Horrible TV Ratings
Whether the shows actually lecture people or not, the perception at this point is that award events are all about looking down at and mocking middle America. People just don’t want to hear it anymore.
Trump in 2024?
Trump appealed to the forgotten middle class, but it’s not clear that that appeal would ever have gotten through to his supporters without his public and signature disdain of the pointy-headed media gurus and apparatchiki. Nor is it clear that any Republican can ever win again without the same constant smiting and trampling…
Media Matters Study on Fox News “Misinformation” Is Riddled with Misrepresentations, Flagged Objectively True Statements
Media Matters for America did not provide the methodology used to establish its estimated 13,551 examples of Fox News misinformation about there pandemic, nor did it disclose a list of each instance of what it identified as Fox News misinformation for independent review. Despite this, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof promoted a Media Matters campaign to get cable providers to drop Fox News from their basic cable packages.
Pelosi’s 9/11 Commission for Capitol Riot Is a Terrible Idea
The 9/11 Commission should be a warning that Washington dignitaries are the last people we should trust to expose the truth.