The American left has done its best over the last eight years to change the face of the education system from the inside out, alienating millions of educators in the wake of critical race theory, LGBTQ+ education for minors and massive restrictions on individual freedom to teach, grade and discipline as necessary. There has never been a better opportunity for the right to repair its relationship with teachers…
Publication: Daily Caller
A Biden Border Crisis Is an Effort to Subvert Democracy
A 2018 Yale study found that there were likely more than 22 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S. If these illegal immigrants were able to obtain legal status or citizenship, it is very likely that they would help usher in permanent left-wing majorities in Congress and the White House.
184 Die July 4 Weekend as Violent Crime Continues to Rise
Declining morale among police officers and a dramatic plummet in recruitment have left law enforcement agencies across the country under-staffed and unable to keep up with the rise in violence. Officers leaving the force most often cite anti-police sentiment and political turmoil as the reason for their resignations.
Biden Targets Firearms Retailers, Not Criminals
The President would be well advised also to consult with and listen to firearms retailers, who are as concerned as anyone with stopping violent crime and who actually are in a position to help.
Why Ron DeSantis Is the Future of the GOP
Thrust into the spotlight as the pandemic’s supposed great villain, he constructed a persona that’s catnip to Republicans and rage-bait to Democrats: the Refined Florida Man. The basis of the Refined Florida Man persona is the belief that Florida is the last, great hope for the country, the place that epitomizes resistance to the technocratic ethos of the modern Democratic Party. The state of Florida, during Covid, was a free one.
The Rise of the Government Thought Police
Anyone who committed violent acts during Jan. 6 political rally gone bad should be punished, but the attempt to brand the entire event as an insurrection reveals the intent to outlaw political speech the Left dislikes. The vast majority of people were simply there to peaceably petition their government for redress of grievances.
CNN’s Don Lemon Reportedly Lives in Town That Is 80% White
CNN’s Don Lemon reportedly lives in a $4.3 million house in Suffolk County, Long Island, that is 80% white and just 3% African American, despite his contention that black and white Americans live in “different realities.” Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed the true reality of Lemon’s neighborhood in a Monday segment of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
Fighting and Losing the Culture War
Many Republicans are probably willing to let the LGBTQs do what they do in peace — and in private. But shoehorning them into “normal” society (and your work place) by means of the civil rights laws has seemed a perversion of those laws. It’s a cultural thing — and we should ask, where was the black community when those laws started to be perverted?
Biden’s Border Crisis Is No Laughing Matter
Ronna McDaniel: Americans understand the necessity for secure borders and the pressing need to address this humanitarian crisis. Why doesn’t Kamala Harris? Why does she keep failing to answer simple, good-faith questions about her pronounced absence in a time of abject crisis?
Jeffrey Toobin’s Zoom Call Masturbation Incident Is the Least of His Offenses
His unseemly act was minor compared to his “day job” fanning the flames of Trump-Russia, a scandalous political hit job which caused irreparable harm to scores of people never accused of wrongdoing. He should be exposed for that instead.
It’s Time to Consider Mandatory National Service to Help Heal Our Broken Country
The concept of civic responsibility — as enunciated so eloquently by President John Kennedy — is eroding. A national service requirement can help reinvigorate a shared sense of citizenship in everyday Americans.
Fauci Needs to Go, and Common Sense Needs to Be Invited in
Anthony Fauci, the 80-year-old, lifelong Washington bureaucrat, has been wrong on COVID about as much as he has been right. Yet he projects being wrong with the same conviction as when he is right. It is confusing, and he has blown all of his credibility.
The Centers for Disease Confusion
The CDC has failed to respond to multiple inquiries from the Daily Caller about whether or not the agency will update its restrictions guidance for unvaccinated people who survived Covid-19. Numerous studies have shown that individuals previously infected possess antibodies granting them a degree of natural immunity…
Why Does the Left Seemingly Hate Israel?
The Western left always despises the unapologetically successful — as if they are inevitably beneficiaries of unfair privilege. Underdog Israel was not so hated from 1947 to 1967. Then, it was poorer, more socialist and in danger of being extinguished by its many neighboring enemies.
This Dem Bill Will Let Illegal Immigrants and Felons Vote
Sen. Ted Cruz: Last Tuesday, I sat in the Senate Rules Committee markup for nine hours fighting tooth and nail against S.1, what many call “The Corrupt Politicians Act.” I did that because this is the single most dangerous piece of legislation facing the Senate right now. The Democrats’ priority is The Corrupt Politicians Act, because they want to stay in power forever.
Wokeness in the Armed Forces Is Undermining Our War-Fighting Ability
Since early February, this administration’s obsession with wokeness in the military — referred to officially as “diversity” and “inclusion” — has only become worse. According to civilian military experts, this fixation is weakening our nation’s war-fighting ability.
The Intercept’s Dirty Smear Job on Our Reporters Deserves a Response
The story alleged that our reporters had skewed their coverage to demonize groups like Antifa and BLM. The reality is that our reporters were just a few of the many journalists who ventured out during a global pandemic. They accepted danger to cover an important story better than anyone else in America.
Biden and Carter Are 2 Peanuts in the Same Shell Game
Gas prices and inflation shoot up, there is trouble in Iran, crime is increasing and we have commodity shortages, “economic malaise,” and lines at the gas stations. Wow, that visit between Biden and Jimmy Carter is starting to make sense. And, if you can believe it, music today is even worse than disco.
Masks in Cars — What’s Behind America’s Covid Insanity?
If the vaccines work as well as our officials claim, why are they all still running around outside with their masks on? It’s a reasonable question, yet it’s one that all these smart people don’t seem to have considered.
Corrupt Unions, Not Covid, Locked Kids Out of School
Unions wanted schools closed indefinitely with a long list of demands, many completely unrelated to COVID-19, to maximize their leverage. In places where they had the most political power, they could and did keep schools closed indefinitely.
Unmask Our Children
It’s time to take the masks off our children. Millions of Americans have already been vaccinated, and vaccines are now available to anyone who wants one. The early days where we were still learning about this virus are over, and hospitals are in no danger of being overwhelmed.
Biden’s Plan for Government to Replace the Family
“American Families Plan” is a $1.8 trillion spending package that includes a laundry list of woke leftist priorities. Rather than help the family, the Biden administration has something more disturbing in mind: a big government takeover of the family.
Misinformation on Hamburgers Is a Joke Compared with the Media’s Misinformation on Climate
Meeting Biden’s emissions targets would require major lifestyle changes that Americans may not want to make. But the media has done a great job of obscuring this fact, so people aren’t aware of the radical sacrifices that could be demanded of them. Talk about misinformation.
“I Hope Caitlyn Jenner Wins the California Governor’s Race”
Ron Hart: What will the left do with a transgendered Republican running? It will kill them to try to destroy her/him.