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Vaccine Mandates Will Destroy Main Street

Daily Caller

Employers will inevitably be forced to terminate some existing staff members who refuse to comply with the rule. For example, one Utah small business is expecting to lose about 30% of its workforce once the mandate is implemented. And high employee turnover can be expensive.

The Bulk of Afghan Refugees Are Heading to Purple States

Daily Caller

Swing states where Biden beat former President Donald Trump by less than three percentage points are expected to receive at least 1,000 people each, among the first group of refugees being resettled in Sept…Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson suggested that Democrats are using refugee resettlement as a means to consolidate voting blocs for future elections.

The Death of Science

Daily Caller

We now know from data that a prior case of Covid-19 offers immunity as robust as vaccination. Why, then, are Joe Biden’s proposed vaccination mandates ignoring that scientific fact? Dr. Anthony Fauci, when asked, seemed at a loss for words.

We Should Aid Afghan Refugees, But Not with a Ticket to the U.S.

Daily Caller

We can relocate these refugees in safe countries closer to Afghanistan. It’s estimated that a day’s worth of funding needed to settle a single refugee in the U.S. would cover the needs of at least 12 refugees abroad. Assisting displaced individuals abroad, rather than admitting them to the U.S. allows our resources to be allocated in a more effective way that helps more people.

Washington’s Ruling Class Puts America Last

Daily Caller

In a move that flew under the radar, House Democrats implemented a program that will further erode the value of American citizenship. Last month, they passed a legislative budget, which included a provision allowing illegal aliens to obtain jobs on Capitol Hill. The provision allows DACA recipients to work in congressional offices, taking jobs in public service that would otherwise go to Americans.

The American Medical Association’s Birth-Gender Folly

Daily Caller

A nonsensical assertion that human beings are not born with male or female physical attributes has taken hold in a number of medical schools across the country. This has led to absurd instances in which professors feel obligated to apologize to students for inadvertently intimating, even indirectly, that there are differences between men and women.

“Woke” Olympics Are Just Games Played for Leftist Street Cred

Daily Caller

There are so few fans in the stands that U.S. spectators don’t know whether they are at a WNBA game or a Joe Biden rally. The “woke” Olympics are turning folks off. But be sure to watch one event, the 400-meter hurdles, which will be won by a male gazelle who self-identifies as a woman. And there is drama around Germany’s woman shot-putter and whether she can compete; she is battling a groin pull and jock itch. Stay tuned.

Biden’s Disgraceful Treatment of Our Afghanistan Heroes

Daily Caller

Regardless of the politics of a war, the American people recognize the sacrifice and heroism of the troops who offer life and limb when country calls. We support the troops even when we don’t support the war, but President Joe Biden wants to bring troops home without any celebration or recognition, just silence. And it is a disgrace.