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The Oscars Are the Woke-ing Dead

Daily Caller

This year, the Oscars got American. Our country’s favorite pastime, violence, was displayed onstage when Will Smith sneaked up and bitch-slapped comedian Chris Rock over a very benign joke about his wifey. America likes WWF wrestling, mixed martial arts kick boxing and the like. This might revive interest in the movie industry.

Cancel the Oscars Before They Cancel America

Daily Caller

Over the past 10 years, more than half the Best Picture winners portrayed the U.S. as racist, corrupt and homophobic. It’s a lecture we don’t need from elitist multi-millionaires living behind gated mansions, crisscrossing the country on private jets, while scolding us over climate change and other left-wing causes.  The Oscar ratings bear this out.

Biden and Kamala Are Dumb and Dumber

Daily Caller

With Biden and Harris leading us, our nation has never looked worse. If a problem is not a racial grievance or a political kickback, they have no idea what to do. And as bad as Joe Biden is, most Americans agree we would rather have him than Kamala. She is a woman who slept her way up the vapid California political system (allegedly) and checked a box for Sleepy Joe when he ran for president.

Merrick Garland Weaponizes DOJ to Push Leftist Agenda

Daily Caller

The laundry list of actions Garland has initiated are truly head-scratching, not just because of their blatant bias, but because they do nothing to strengthen our country’s freedoms, justice or the rule of law. In fact, they make us weaker and less safe. In his first year alone, Garland has gone after police, parents, students and taxpayers.

The Green Immoralists

Daily Caller

How will the Biden administration square the circle of its own ideological war against oil and natural gas versus handing the advantage to our oil- and gas-producing enemies, as Russia invades Ukraine? Or put another way, when selfish theory hits deadly reality, who loses? Answer: the American people.

Mobilize NATO Now

Daily Caller

Ukraine is a red-hot proxy war challenging everything the West cherishes. Today, on live television, we see Putin’s efforts to extinguish freedom in a Western-oriented nation. Make no mistake: the three Baltic nations are next. They border Russia and are part of Putin’s goal of restoring the former Soviet Union.

A Canadian-Style “Emergency” Could Easily Happen Here

Daily Caller

On Feb. 14, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the draconian “Emergencies Act” and suspending a wide range of civil liberties. Lest Americans conclude that our constitutional republic is safe from such facially dictatorial actions, they should know that under existing federal laws and the laws of every state, the president or a governor could take similar “emergency” action at any time they decide an “emergency” presents itself.

The Big Midterm Bait and Switch Is Coming from the Dems

Daily Caller

Democrats are going to roll back all the Covid restrictions and declare victory over the virus just in time for the midterms — and hopefully in time to save them from a red wave. Democratic governors, who shuttered businesses and levied massive fines on those who did not comply, are now rolling them back at long last — and are expecting people to be grateful.

Biden Completes His Historic Failure

Daily Caller

Joe Biden campaigned as a moderate elder statesman who could help heal a divided country. The press played up the narrative that Biden put in place a team of professionals and technocrats who would provide real governing expertise as a salve from the chaos of the Trump years. The truth, of course, has been just the opposite.