Sen. Marco Rubio: Elections are always important, but the one we have ahead of us seems particularly so after a year of total Democratic control in Washington. I hope you’ll join me in rejecting the craziness that’s come to define the Democratic Party and electing conservatives like me who will chart a path forward to restore the American Dream.
Publication: Daily Caller
Health Officials and the Media Have Whipped Americans into an Unhealthy Fear of Covid
Sen. Roger Marshall: Bad judgment and poor leadership from our nation’s health agencies have caused most Americans to live with an unhealthy fear of Covid-19. They have made it so every decision we make is funneled through a Covid filter – those decisions are isolated in an imaginary COVID silo without concern for economic or psychological consequences.
The Biden Administration Needs to Be Held Accountable for the Texas Terrorist Incident
Shortly after taking office, President Biden revoked a Trump-era executive order that sought to enhance the vetting of foreign nationals traveling to the United States. While details on this case are still emerging, the revocation may have granted Malik Faisal Akram easier access into the country.
Biden Completes His Historic Failure
Joe Biden campaigned as a moderate elder statesman who could help heal a divided country. The press played up the narrative that Biden put in place a team of professionals and technocrats who would provide real governing expertise as a salve from the chaos of the Trump years. The truth, of course, has been just the opposite.
Biden Pushes Election Lies in Atlanta
Ronna McDaniel: Last week, Biden and Kamala went to Georgia as part of their desperate effort to pass Democrats’ radical agenda to eliminate the Senate filibuster and enact their federal takeover of state and local elections…But Biden’s speech wasn’t just full of falsehoods; it was also deeply divisive.
The Cruelties Being Inflicted on Children in the Name of Covid Safety Will Handicap a Generation of Students
Students will remember that they bore witness to a mephitic emphasis on protecting a student population that didn’t particularly need protection and that “public safety” became an amorphous term used to justify policies that never seemed to make their education or lives any better.
The Great Resignation Is a Boost for the American Working Class
Such a large wave of resignations functions rather like a strike, but on an economy-wide level. It signals the increase of working class power (albeit a still disorganized type of power), and it heralds the potential reorganization of the economy along lines that would support a living wage and more free time for the average worker.
Will the U.S. Continue Its Slide to Third World Status in 2022
Bob Barr: For as long as I can remember, whenever I went through the checkout line at our local supermarket, the cashier would ask politely, “Did you find everything you were looking for, Sir?” Until recently, I routinely answered, “Yes, thank you,” although I would think to myself, Of course I found everything, this is the United States. No longer.
Liberal Elites’ Demand for Hate Not Met by Supply
The left is so race-obsessed that they cannot have a reasoned conversation about any issue without bringing up race. It feeds our national divide. Stoked by the left, we cannot even sort laundry in America without being viewed as racist.
Conservatives Could Learn Lessons from This Country to Fight Wokeism
In the past year alone, the Chinese Communist Party has embarked upon a campaign to eradicate certain “woke” ideologies from many institutions of Chinese society, such as the media. The CCP has begun enforcing several measures intended to protect Chinese culture from many of the very same ideologies that are having a corrosive effect on American culture.
Vaccine Mandates Will Not Stop the Pandemic
Natural immunity gained from exposure to SARS-CoV-2 is an essential fundamental mechanism by which humanity will eventually tame the virus. Although vaccines are highly effective at preventing serious infections and death, they offer incomplete protection against infection itself, allowing the virus to spread among the population through mild or asymptomatically infected carriers.
If Leftists Continue to Spout Divisive Racist Rhetoric, the Waukesha Attack Won’t Be the Last One
The ruling class media does not act independently. They are the ideological mouthpiece of the leftist elites and the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party — which includes BLM and Marxists. Their agenda is to destroy America as we know it. Selective news coverage, propaganda and disinformation are all calculated to undermine our country.
The Woke Revolution Eats Its Own. Again
The legacy of three-term Governor Mario Cuomo will also be tarnished over his sons, even though he’s been a liberal hero for decades and died years ago. The calls to remove his name from a major bridge crossing the Hudson River will intensify, especially since its original name of “Tappan Zee” honored both a Native American tribe and Dutch settlers.
No One Is Surprised Hillary’s Influence-Peddling Foundation Collapsed
Most Beltway insiders know the Clinton Foundation’s primary purpose: to serve as a platform for Hillary Clinton’s political operation while lining the Clintons’ pockets by trading influence for money. That is why donations spiked when Hillary was secretary of state and most of the world thought she was destined to become president — and why they cratered after she lost.
Biden’s Magical Thinking on Rising Gas Prices
Admonishing Americans, many of whom live paycheck-to-paycheck, that they could avoid the economic harm of higher gasoline prices by buying high-cost EVs is an arrogant response to a problem the administration has caused by restricting crude oil supplies and production. But arrogance and stupidity appear to be this administration’s go-to strategy on energy policy.
Media’s Portrayal of Rittenhouse Proves Libel Laws Need Reform
J.D. Vance: From the president of the United States to our leading media figures, Kyle Rittenhouse has been lied about, attacked and slandered for more than a year. And the spectacle reveals a “free press” in the United States that believes itself free to lie about, cheat and harass a child. We should take lessons from this, and learn from them.
California County Will Require Masks in Private Homes
Santa Cruz County, California, is imposing an indoor mask mandate beginning Sunday night which requires residents to wear masks in private settings, including homes, regardless of vaccination status.
Rittenhouse Verdict Was a Victory for U.S. Legal System Against Woke Mob
It seemed to be an open and shut case of self-defense to anyone who watched the footage of the shootings in good faith, but still the spectre of wokeness hung over the entire trial. The prosecution’s case was flimsy, and it led to conjecture that the trial was wholly political — brought before a judge and jury merely to placate leftist activists who bayed for retribution.
The Death of Discipline in Our Nation’s Schools
There is a curious insanity running rampant in public education today. Students are getting candy when they arrive at detention; teachers are giving character awards to students who have repeatedly cursed them out in hopes of “reaching them;” and administrators are asking teachers to make new tests for students who get caught cheating so they don’t fall behind.
In Biden’s America, Everything Is More Expensive
Ronna McDaniel: Americans are suffering under Joe Biden’s disastrous economy. Prices for nearly everything are skyrocketing as American families struggle to make ends meet after over a year of Democrat-led lockdowns that targeted workers and small businesses nationwide.
Biden Makes Energy Wildly Expensive While Trying to Sell “Green” Alternatives
The Biden administration’s energy bait and switch is as devious as it is simple, and American families need to be on guard. It works like this: First, undermine America’s domestic and affordable energy supply, which then drives up prices all across the country. Step two is forcing a total reliance on solar and wind that somehow is magically “less” expensive.
DeSantis Threatens to Bus Illegal Immigrants to Biden’s Doorstep in Delaware
“If that means sending illegal aliens to Delaware, or even Martha’s Vineyard, so be it. Since Biden believes the open border free for all is good for our country, I’m sure he won’t object,” DeSantis’ office said.
Here’s What the Virginia Election Really Meant for the GOP
This election didn’t show that Trump is still the kingmaker of the Republican Party or that it’s time to return to the milquetoast conservatism of Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush. Instead, it highlighted the triumph of basic political common sense and, let’s face it, luck on the part of the GOP.
Dems May Regret Messing with America’s Moms
Of all the radical ideas they’ve been trying to foist on America, messing with parents on K-12 education may be the one that does them in.