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Pronoun Police Attempt Another Arrest

Daily Caller

Recently, a Wisconsin middle school opened a Title IX investigation into three 8th-grade students. If only that were a sad joke. The boys, who as 8th graders would be approximately 13 years old, are accused of unlawful sexual harassment because they allegedly failed to use preferred pronouns in reference to a classmate who asked to be identified as “they” or “them.”

Biden’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Numbers

Daily Caller

Fixing runaway inflation is no simple matter. It’s complicated. It takes time. It takes conscious effort to arrive at a solution. No one can accuse the Biden administration of ignoring an apparent silver bullet capable of unwinding months of supply chain chaos, serious armed conflict in Europe, and a pandemic that continues to weigh on global productivity. Unfortunately, President Biden isn’t equal to the task.

Can Dems Take Black Women’s Votes for Granted?

Daily Caller

The Black Women’s Roundtable (BWR) and Essence magazine recently released a poll to gauge the pulse of black women in America. Brilliant Corners Strategies, a Left-leaning market research company, conducted the survey. However, even a poll commissioned and conducted by the Left for the Left could not hide the great displeasure that black women have with the Democratic party.

Decent People Need to Denounce the Crazy

Daily Caller

Marching up a suburban block trying to look as intimidating as possible and screaming the F-word and the C-word is not a winning strategy. Polling shows how universally unpopular this behavior is. It’s hard to find an issue with as much consensus. A worse strategy is resorting to violence.

Make No Mistake, Tucker Carlson Won Big in Ohio

Daily Caller

Ohio’s primaries showed that Tucker is on to something big and that conservative, America-first ideas are popular. Ohio is broadly seen as a bellwether because the state has historically been representative of the nation’s voting patterns in several ways. So what do the Ohio GOP primaries tell us? Twenty-two out of 22 candidates who represented a conservative, America-first political approach won in the primaries.

America Is Probably in for a Rough Ride

Daily Caller

The left and right are both in an angry mood. The left, in particular, is in “burn it down” mode. There are already calls to nuke the filibuster and allow a bare majority of Congress to impose a new abortion law or even to expand the Supreme Court in an effort to overturn this reported decision.

Biden Is Handing Space to China on a Silver Platter

Daily Caller

American political leaders decided to slow development of anti-satellite weapons for fear of triggering a competition. With the U.S. having the most assets in orbit, the reasoning went, the U.S. would have the most to lose with a race. That view, however, was the product of a fundamental misunderstanding of Chinese and Russian attitudes and directly led to America falling behind China in anti-satellite weaponry.

CDC Needs to Have Its Regulatory Wings Clipped

Daily Caller

Few people realize that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was founded in the immediate aftermath of World War II for a limited and very specific purpose – to eradicate malaria. In recent decades, however, the Atlanta-based bureaucracy has become the poster child for regulatory mission creep.

The Only Sin of “Libs of Tik Tok” Was Revealing the Left’s Plans

Daily Caller

The popular Twitter account Libs of TikTok, which reposts videos of gender- and race-focused rants on TikTok, came squarely into the left’s crosshairs after the account user’s identity was revealed in a Washington Post exposé. The account was already unpopular with the peddlers of critical race theory and radical gender ideology, but once the story broke and the owner’s identity became widely known, the floodgates opened. 

Twitter Needs an Anti-Woke CEO More Than Elon Musk Needs Twitter

Daily Caller

A Musk-run Twitter would signal a sea change for American politics writ large, given the tens of millions of remaining Twitter users in the United States. At a time when free expression is no longer guaranteed in America, Twitter’s reaffirmation of the First Amendment would give a voice to the voiceless and spell victory against a radical left that has made it a mission to cancel libertarians and conservatives for nothing at all.

How History Will View the Biden Years

Daily Caller

When historians study the disaster that was the Biden administration, they will find many factors that contributed to the historic failure we are witnessing. At the top of the list is a president who is clearly just not up to the job. Whether due to age, cognitive decline or general ineptitude, Joe Biden has not been able to lead America.

Will Biden Soon Be a Lame Duck?

Daily Caller

He should invoke the 25th Amendment himself and announce in January 2023 — perhaps during his next State of the Union speech — that he will serve just one term in the White House. During the remaining 24 months of his presidency, Biden could abandon partisanship and pursue what he believes are the nation’s best interests.