The raw materials essential to the EV transition are largely under the control of America’s geopolitical rivals. China and Russia are also the chief beneficiaries of the soaring costs of the commodities essential to power EVs.
Publication: Daily Caller
Reality Is About to Crush Dems’ Midterm Dreams
Newt Gingrich: November realities are going to be a lot friendlier to Republicans than August news media fantasies.
Why Trump Should Not Be Our Nominee
Reason #4: He has no political discipline and makes too many unforced errors. It’s tough enough for any Republican when the media and the entire Washington establishment are aligned against you. Why give them grist for their mill? Trump’s bumptious and combative nature sometimes served him well when doing battle with the press room, but engaging with Rosie O’Donnell? C’mon.
FBI’s Trump Raid Puts America on a Dangerous Path
This week’s FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago properly concerns every American — Republican, Democrat, Independent, or beyond — who cares about the rule of law and the system of norms that are the unwritten rules underpinning our formal Constitution.
The Clinical Steps to Grooming Kids Match Exactly How They’re Being Taught in Schools
The steps predators take to groom children for sexual abuse bear a remarkable resemblance to some modern lesson plans in American elementary schools, according to descriptions clinical experts provided to the Daily Caller.
It Took Months for the Media to State the Obvious About Monkeypox
More than two months after the ongoing global monkeypox outbreak began, corporate media outlets are finally addressing the fact that gay men are most at risk of contracting the virus.
Trump Reveals How to Save America from Biden’s Magical Thinking
Trump laid out an economic agenda on Tuesday that contrasted with Biden’s failed economic policies currently paralyzing American families. With priorities like returning supply chains back home, rebuilding the U.S. manufacturing base and energy policies that enable American energy independence, Trump called for tamping down inflation and stopping Covid lockdowns, which cripple the economy.
It’s Time to Restore Voters’ Faith in America’s Elections Once and for All
In America, it should be easy to vote and almost impossible to cheat. If we can land on Mars, we can work together to achieve efficient, accurate, elections with commonsense election integrity safeguards.
The Left Should Be Happy with Biden
The Left should be ecstatic that President Joe Biden has given them everything they wanted. The Left likes inflation. It reduces the value of old money by printing lots of new money. Those richer who have it, lose the value of their money; those poorer who don’t have any money, suddenly do.
The Media Have Tried and Failed to Sell the Left’s Crazy Agenda
We all know the major narratives that the media is trying to drive home. There is none bigger than the idea that Republicans have become extreme, out of the mainstream and even dangerous. There is certainly some craziness on the American right, but it’s misinformation to pretend the eccentricities of the right even approach the radicalism the left is mainstreaming today. That’s the big lie the media is trying to pull off.
It’s Time to Turn the Tables on Our Would-Be Climate Overlords
Today’s runaway inflation, the Supreme Court’s recent decisioncurtailing the power of the federal regulatory bureaucracy and the energy disaster unfolding in Europe provide a favorable backdrop for a counterattack.
Mighty Joe Manchin Once Again Holds the Line Against Dems’ Destructive Agenda
Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) put his country ahead of his party after telling Democrat bosses Thursday that he won’t support any new spending on climate gimmicks or tax hikes as part of a narrower Build Back Better bill.
The Left Is About to Pay for Their Energy Insanity
Slowing American energy production while begging the Saudis to increase their own fossil fuel production, as Biden is doing this week, is a botch so foreseeable it should be disqualifying for future leadership. Energy policy under the Biden administration has been insane. With prices booming, everyone now knows it. Those who got us in this mess should prepare to pay a massive political price.
Cassidy Hutchinson Begged Senior Trump Officials for Financial Assistance After Subpoena
The Jan. 6 Committee’s key witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, asked former Senior Trump officials for financial assistance and legal help in February after she was subpoenaed by the committee, according to an email obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller.
George Washington University Is the Latest and Dumbest Example of Academic Wokeness
The institute of higher learning that most deserves to be awarded the Woke Dunce is GWU, which has just decided to retire its moniker, the “Colonials.” No less prestigious a body than the GWU Board of Trustees has decided the name is sufficiently offensive and “divisive” as to warrant being tossed aside.
A Sizzling Hot Trump Veep Sweepstakes
First, and foremost, Trump’s VP must be not just MAGA-sympatico but a true populist economic nationalist cut from the same cloth as Trump. Two who should lead a list of prospective VP picks are former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Biden’s Body Count
Whether we look to the tragic human smuggling atrocity that occurred in San Antonio, the increase in crime in the U.S., or the emboldening of drug cartels internationally, Biden’s policies have penned the death certificates of countless individuals.
Here Are the Predictions Trump Got Right About Biden
Trump accurately warned voters that Biden’s policies would attack free speech and the Second Amendment, cause illegal immigrants to flood the southern border, and consumers would suffer high gas prices and a failing economy.
Bombshell J6 Testimony About Trump’s Behavior Collapses Within Hours
The U.S. Secret Service reportedly plans to publicly denounce allegations from former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson. She testified Tuesday that former President Donald Trump lunged for the steering wheel in order to get to the Capitol to march with protesters Jan. 6.
Why the Left Will Cut Biden Loose
When the Republicans take the House of Representatives in 2022 there will be nonstop investigations of Hunter Biden’s alleged tax avoidances, his possibly illegal work as an unregistered foreign agent and Joe Biden’s untaxed compensation he received from the Biden lobbying consortium.
Dems’ Jan. 6 Fiasco Is Just Another Example of Conservatives Being Treated as Second Class Citizens
There’s a two-tiered justice system that treats conservatives — especially anyone supporting Trump — as second-class citizens.
Time to Move Supreme Court Justices onto Military Bases
Sure beats turning their residential neighborhoods into armed camps. Or leaving them too vulnerable, even with beefed up personal security details now under discussion in Congress.
The Greatest Distraction on Earth Is About to Begin
In one final feeble attempt to distract Americans from their abysmal performance in the majority, House Democrats have shamelessly prepared a prime time courtroom-style drama for the American people that fails to address any of the issues that matter.
We’re Transforming Society Because of a Generation Desperate for Attention
Young people are obsessed with social media, want the praise that comes with being a sexual minority, and have very little self-worth outside of that. And we’re changing fundamental principles about our society to appease them.