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Dems Doctored Evidence Against Trump

A few weeks after the August FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago ,the Department of Justice released a photograph depicting alleged contraband seized from Trump’s Palm Beach estate that day; the image showed colored sheets representing scary classification levels attached to files purportedly discovered in Trump’s private office. Except…that is not what happened

Conservatives on Campus Were the Canaries in the Coal Mine


Anyone who is surprised by the unpunished intolerance, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism on college campuses and in America’s largest cities hasn’t been paying attention to what’s been happening to conservatives and Trump supporters for the past decade or so. The first target of these selective cancellations was the campaign against Ann Coulter in 2010.

Jail Doesn’t Matter in Trump’s Case


Trump has already said he intends to serve whether he’s in jail or not and there have been a number of legal scholars who’ve indicated that Trump can technically be confined and still do his duties as president. Or how about “home confinement” in the White House? It doesn’t seem feasible, but then again, how this witch hunt got as far as it has surpassed common sense a long time ago.

Biden’s War on Israel


Obama’s nuclear weapon’s deal with Iran, the midnight delivery of pallets of cash, and the loosening of sanctions (later repudiated by President Trump) was merely step one. More recently, the Biden administration entered into what amounted to a ransom agreement with the world’s #1 sponsor of terrorism to trade captives, and $6 billion in American cash, with Iran.

Are the GOP Debates Useless?


The reason that first debate was a snoozefest is because none of the candidates addressed the most important question to be answered in the upcoming Republican Primaries – Why should we vote for one of them instead of Donald Trump? The GOP field came across like a college debate in the first clash, scoring points on each other, but not answering the big question that overshadows everything else.