The U.S. Government has misplaced billions of dollars of Covid stimulus money, and nobody seems concerned…By the way, the government has no money of its own. They have our money.
Publication: Conservative View from NH
Victim Rights Are No Longer a Concern
The justice system in this country is not only broken. It has abandoned all consideration for the public, the innocents, the victims. This trend started after the death of George Floyd when the Defund the Police movement was born. That movement became the battle cry of Black Lives Matter and the Progressive Left members of the Squad.
Joe and His Little Elf Pete, Saved Christmas
Ray Cardello: These two deserve each, and both live in their respective fantasy worlds. Joe thinks he is President, and Pete thinks he is mature enough to sit at the big people’s table. Both are taking credit for saving Christmas when they both gave us the most divisive, anxiety-filled Christmas in my lifetime. Apparently, neither of them is watching the poll numbers tumble.
Sorry Joe, Stacey Is Busy Today
Biden took his Jim Crow rant on the road to Georgia, the home of the loudest proponent for voting reform, Stacey Abrams, and she opted to be elsewhere. When the President and VP come to your state to talk about your leading cause, you clear your schedule and stand by their side. Or are their approval ratings too low for you to use the duo?
An Angry, Aged President and His Incompetent Sidekick
Ray Cardello: It was watching a bad double-feature matinee. I listened to the comments of Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden from Statuary Hall as they remembered the events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. I listened in embarrassment and disgust at both the message and the tone from the two highest office holders in our nation.
Tell the Dems That the Pandemic Is Over
Conservative View from New Hampshire
Covid-19 is dead. The Omicron strain marks the end of a two-year ordeal that every American wants to forget. So why the lock-downs? Why the mandates?
The Left Demands a Unified Allegiance
Conservative View from New Hampshire
The Left wants to dictate to Americans what they perceive is best regardless of the wishes and desires of the people. They are so delirious that they believe they can make decisions for the masses. They are wrong. They have forgotten that people want control of their destiny.