Joe Biden spoke to the AFL-CIO this week in what can only be called a stump speech. It was a campaign speech complete with volume changes from whispers to yelling. It was big on style but weak on content. His speech was filled with lies and was both embarrassing and insulting.
Publication: Conservative View from NH
Time to Pull the Plug on Progressives
Progressives have no interest in enhancing the state of our nation but rather in tearing it down and rebuilding it in their image. This philosophy is why Progressives aim to eradicate the country’s history and repaint it in as bad a light as possible.
Hearings Will Only Fuel the Angst of Americans
Ray Cardello: This witch-hunt angers me, and I cannot give it another minute of my time. I hope you will not either. There was one fatality of the riot, the insurrection, of the Capitol on January 6. It was an unarmed woman who a Capitol Police Officer shot.
First Johnny Depp, Now the Dems
This eight-episode mini-series has all of the earmarks of a circus, and there is only one reason these hearings are prime-time is the hope they will lift the Democrats in time for the mid-terms.
Biden’s Speech Last Night Was Divisive and Insulted Republicans
The President obviously wants to bring back the Assault Weapons Ban, but there is no clear definition of assault weapons.
Let Biden Speak, Then Clean Up the Mess
The White House is faced with a huge conundrum. Do they let the President out of the house and let him speak and answer questions or keep him under wraps. If they muzzle the President, he faces criticism and increased speculation about his health and mental acuity. If they take off the reins and take their chances, he inevitably says something that requires a clean-up in aisle 5.
Will There Be Enough Rope to Save Us?
The only person happy about yesterday is Jen Psaki, as she did not have to address the country and lie about all of yesterday’s woes. But can anything be as sad as watching Karine Jean-Pierre searching for answers to read from her briefing book? If this was a bad TV show, we could shut it off or change the channel. Unfortunately, this is all the reality of a single day, and no one thinks we can say tomorrow will be better.
Jen Psaki Raises the Bar, Then Trips Over It
Karine Jean-Pierre made history this week as the first black woman and first openly gay person to be named White House press secretary, replacing her boss Jen Psaki. Jean-Pierre is married and shares a daughter with CNN correspondent Suzanne Malveaux. There is no way the White House can sell this as an ethical situation when the White House Press Secretary shares a pillow with a CNN reporter.
Trump Will Not Run for President
Ray Cardello: He is still the dominant head of the Republican Party, but he knows running in 2024 will not be good for the country. I agree Trump is too divisive, and the country is already polarized to the danger point. Trump wants to be the King Maker, and going 22-0 in this week’s primaries shows that he can pick the winners. Trump stepping aside will make room for the new generation of Conservative Republicans.
Biden Rhetoric Threatens Justices
The Great Unifier. The Great Healer. The man who could bring civility and normalcy to the White House has failed again. Joe Biden’s failure is putting nine men and women in grave danger. The six conservative justices have been doxxed, their home addresses published for anyone to see. This situation is serious, and nobody anywhere near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has the competence or will to solve it.
Where Is the Disinformation Czar in Roe v. Wade?
Ray Cardello: We will need to uncover the person who delivered the documents to Politico before knowing the person’s motive. I believe this breach of security was done to influence the midterm elections. Biden has put all Democrat candidates in such a hole with his horrific performance that they needed a blockbuster issue to rile the Democrat base. No issue is more volatile and emotional than abortion.
The Disinformation Czar Is Not the Issue
It is evident that this plan is a knee-jerk reaction to the Elon Musk purchase of Twitter and his commitment to return it to a Free Speech platform. The administration is paranoid about losing control of even one facet of the Internet or mainstream media. If they cannot control the content on Twitter, then they will need to counter it with their version of the story.
Content Moderation Is Censorship, Period
Ray Cardello: I want to stipulate first that no government is in a position to dictate to its people whether someone’s statements are truthful or not. It is up to each individual to determine the validity of what they hear or read and ascertain its authenticity.
There Is No Reason to Forgive Student Loans
Along with no justification for forgiving this debt, there is the exorbitant cost of doing so. It is estimated that the cost to taxpayers would be $1.5 Trillion, or approximately $13,000 per taxpayer. Over 45% of these taxpayers never went to college, and of the others, they paid for their education and student loans.
Will Joe and Hunter Survive the First and Last Term
As soon as the midterms are in the books, the Republicans should take the chairs of all committees, and the Democrat blockade will tumble, as might the Biden family.
Jen Psaki Insults America and Must Resign
Psaki’s vision and message from the podium are that of the Progressives. They are not the vision of the majority of Americans and thus have the worst approval ratings of any President in History. Jimmy Carter applauds you, Jen Psaki, and he looks forward to being one of the few to watch you on MSNBC.
Disney and Netflix Feel the Pain of Being Woke
All companies need to remember this is a divisive environment, and only catering to one side of the equation will be detrimental to the bottom line If they continue with these flawed business models, they will never see another dime from this conservative
Our White House Is Compromised
Because of financial dealings between the Biden Family and Ukraine, China, and Russia, Biden cannot represent this country in matters involving these countries.
The Left Says Democracy Needs More Censorship
The Founding Fathers saw so much importance in free speech and press that they wrote to protect both in the first article of the Bill of Rights. In unison, these anti-journalists are claiming Twitter reverting to a free speech forum will destroy democracy.
Elon Musk Has Become Enemy #1
His sin was making noise about his love of the First Amendment. He is not only for free speech but absolute free speech. Free speech means you can say anything and a person’s only recourse is not to listen, not shut you up. The richest man in the world, not named Putin, saw a problem and decided to step up and solve it.
Kamala and Judge Jackson Are Not Cause for Celebration
Ray Cardello: I am offended by the Biden process in selecting these two women. It is illegal to single out a particular group of people for any reason. If it is Racism to not choose a person because of their color, then it is also Racism to choose a person because of color.
The Lunacy of Trying to Lure Florida Residents to NY
Mayor Adams of New York City has been inhaling too many subway fumes. Adams trying to coax people to return from Florida to New York is tantamount to Satan urging someone into Hell. Florida is safer, has a favorable climate, lower cost of living, and no income tax. It also has a leadership team that believes in personal liberty. What can New York offer to counter the attraction to Florida?
Can We Bring Back the Harmful Tweets?
Ray Cardello: Last I knew, words never caused bodily harm, but Biden’s America is definitely painful.
Woke Is the New Pandemic
The new Pandemic will not require masks, but a barf bag may be suggested. There will be no social distancing because you will need to get close enough to read the pronoun pin. There will be no him, her, mother, or father. There will simply be the person. Maybe this lack of identity is what the Left refers to as equity.