Don Bolduc is the type of man we need to represent New Hampshire in the Senate, especially in these highly charged divisive times. He will go to Washington and represent the Granite State with solid Conservative principles that we need to combat the Biden/Democrat Progressive agenda.
Publication: Conservative View from NH
Gas Drops to $3.60 and Dems Want Credit
From the White House down to every Democrat Congressperson, they are all taking credit for the drop in gas prices, and it is a crock and extremely disingenuous. The only reason gas prices are down to $3.60 is that they are the party that drove gas prices up to $5.00.
“Hey Joe, I Am a Proud Member of MAGA”
Ray Cardello: I am insulted to be labeled a domestic terrorist or a threat to Democracy.
It’s BS That Biden Wants to “Fund” the Police
Ray Cardello: I am so angry that it is difficult even to type this post. This President stood before a group of nodding sheeple and said the Democrats are the Party of Law and Order. This President has been lying to America since he took the oath but this is insulting.
No Plan in Place for Gas-to-Electric-Vehicle Conversion
You expect the government to be dysfunctional, but how they are trying to force America to Electric Vehicles is setting a new low in long-range thinking.
The Enigma That Is Bill Maher
Ray Cardello: It is interesting to see how Maher can live in the Middle while the country is obsessed with being either Right or Left. Some of his recent stances show a reasonable and logical view that we should all strive for. He is a gun owner while also a supporter of PETA. He thinks the Second Amendment needs limitations, a position many on the Right are starting to adopt.
Biden Goes to College to Buy Votes
Biden had lost the 18-35-year-old voting block. Once one of his strengths, this group tired of his performance, and his approval ratings with them had tanked. He is hoping to buy them back, and what better way than with our dime?
The Leaders of Chicago Are Disgusting Human Beings
In 2021, in the city of Chicago, there were 792 shooting homicides and 3,561 shooting victims. By far, the deadliest year for homicides in Chicago’s history. You would think this would infuriate the Mayor and the District Attorney. You would be wrong.
Minneapolis Is No Longer Part of America
The climate has changed dramatically since the unfortunate death of George Floyd. The story told by the mainstream media at the time never told the whole story because of fear of being canceled as racist. BLM took over the downtown and contributed to why businesses opted to relocate elsewhere rather than return to Minneapolis. An unfortunate chapter in the city’s history.
Americans Need Second Job While Bidens Vacation
Biden continues to spew meaningless verbiage as Americans decide whether to buy food, pay the rent, or fill the family car with gas. It is poor optics to board Air Force One and head off to Kiawah Island, SC, for a free vacation when hurting Americans cannot even think of a family vacation this year.
Joe, Grow Some Cajones and Admit You Gave the Go
Joe Biden and the White House disavow any knowledge of the raid, which is laughable. He may not remember, but he definitely knew. There is no way Garland or the FBI would have dared to raid the home of a former President without someone higher up the chain giving the nod.
Dem Mayors Cry Uncle
Mayors Bowser of Washington, D.C., and Adams of New York are looking as foolish as politicians can look. They are complaining about a couple of thousand illegal immigrants descending on their city when tens of thousands engulf small towns along the Border every day. They had no problem with a broken Border until the buses hit their city. Pathetic.
Defund Police Is a Fantasy for the Left
Talking about defunding the police is only part of the scam for the Democrats. It is what they are spending on personal security and what they are planning on spending of our money to protect these rabid hypocrites. U.S. taxpayers will dole out about $4 million to help elected Members of Congress pay for security upgrades to their private residences.
Inflation Is Not Our Fault. Wrong
The White House staff needs a day off today to catch their breath. Many spent Sunday hitting all the news shows, trying to convince America that inflation is not their fault. The opinions were that inflation had peaked and we would avoid a recession. They are wrong on both counts.
Climate vs Weather: The Left Does Not Know the Difference
The heat wave is the perfect situation for the unknowing, yes, ignorant Left to call for a Climate Emergency. You see, for the Left, any condition they see as existential can be cured by Executive Orders and restrictions.
Thank You, Putin, for the Drop in Gas Prices
That statement is as hilarious as Joe Biden blaming Putin for gas prices and inflation for the last six months. Joe Biden’s bad energy policies are responsible for the slowing economy and out-of-control price hikes. There are some international influences like the conflict in Ukraine, but this is Biden’s Inflation, not Putin’s.
George Soros and His Hatred of America
George Soros has a son who is following in his father’s footsteps. Even though George is in his nineties, his impact and influence will live on even if his motives are unclear. With his vast wealth and the depth of his reach into the Democrat Party, he is a force that must be neutralized, or at least controlled, if we are to get this country back onto a conservative track in line with what the founders envisioned.
It Looks Like China Owns Biden
The first indicator was when Joe Biden fought off any charge that China was the source of the COVID Pandemic. Biden would not hear of any investigation into the lab in Wuhan, where many believe the COVID virus was created and leaked. He teamed with Anthony Fauci to misdirect attention away from China even after it was uncovered that Fauci had funneled money into the Wuhan lab.
Karine Says the Border Is Closed. Liar
Karine Jean-Pierre was asked yesterday about the Border…and she proceeded to claim that the Border is closed, which is why we have thousands of people trying to enter our country every day…illegally. She says that these deaths are not the fault of President Biden policies. She says this with a straight face. Stop it. Just stop it. We are not stupid.
Great Week for Trump’s MAGA Court
Elections have consequences, and although Trump only spent one term in the White House, his impact is immense. With the three Justices he put on the Supreme Court, he changed American life’s dynamics. The Liberals are apoplectic. It’s a beautiful thing.
Joe, Get Your Head Out of the Sand
Joe Biden is habitually taking four-day weekends at his Delaware beach house. The good thing about this scene is that he can do no damage to the country on a weekend vacation. The bad thing is that nobody else in his administration does anything while he is away, which is good and bad.
Does Anyone Have a Plan for Electric Vehicles?
The Biden Administration, nor anyone else in the green-thinking government has thought this through. The cost, travel range, charging stations, modification to the home electrical system, size and variety of vehicles, expansion of the electrical grid, and even the end game for old/damaged batteries, nothing is planned.
Jan. 6? How About Nov. 8?
For the good of the country and National Security, Biden must take a tsunami in November, as well as historically low approval numbers, as a mandate that we are heading in the wrong direction. He needs to shed this Woke and Diverse staff for a more qualified group.
Biden Speaks (Lies) to the AFL-CIO
Joe Biden spoke to the AFL-CIO this week in what can only be called a stump speech. It was a campaign speech complete with volume changes from whispers to yelling. It was big on style but weak on content. His speech was filled with lies and was both embarrassing and insulting.