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“ESG” Means Entering Slavery Gladly

Conservative HQ

ESG is pure fakery to promote the destruction of the greatest nation on earth, America in order to promote an evil program of ridding the world of 90+% of us – starting with those of us who know what they are doing. The “Social” part of ESG is also to help them reduce the population – by pretending that men can be women.

Dem Hilarity Will Turn to Horror When House GOP Unleashes Its Power

Conservative HQ

President senile Joe Biden visibly took delight at the impasse going on up on Capitol Hill as Republicans struggled to elect a Speaker to guide their new majority. It wasn’t the first time Biden’s been caught chortling at serious matters, and it wasn’t a coincidence that cackling vice president Kamala Harris was right there next to him sharing in the untimely and characteristically tasteless hilarity.

Trump Will Never Be the Young Face of the GOP

Conservative HQ

It’s becoming harder and harder to justify calling for Donald J. Trump to lead the Republican Party for the next election cycle – and into the future. Similar to a once dominant Hall of Fame-caliber quarterback who might’ve stayed one or two seasons past his prime, Trump has engendered much criticism for his handling of the 2022 midterms.

True the Vote’s Engelbrecht and Phillips Jailed for Fighting Election Integrity

Conservative HQ

Ms. Engelbrecht and Mr. Phillips didn’t set out to tear down those two Shibboleths of America’s political establishment, but by exposing the fact that Konnech, an election software company, had stored confidential American poll worker data on a server in Red China, they managed to break news that got the company’s CEO arrested and, most astonishingly, themselves thrown in jail.

Tulsi Gabbard Is Right About Dems, But…

Conservative HQ

The conservative movement should be happy to have Tulsi Gabbard’s support when our views align, but conservatism is a fully formed worldview, not a smorgasbord from which you can pick and choose a few morsels. We should never assume that just because Tulsi Gabbard agrees with us on a few issues she’s suddenly become a movement conservative.

Dems Using Police Powers Are Increasing Their Attacks on Parents Protecting Their Children

Conservative HQ

The Democrats began waging war on parents decades ago. But the battle has both accelerated and intensified since the Democrats seized full control of our nation in 2021. From freezing parents out of their own children’s education to blocking them from knowing about their children’s medical procedures, the Marxist-inspired insanity has officially reached new heights.

Can Public Schools Be Saved?

Conservative HQ.

For decades conservatives have decried the erosion of standards in our taxpayer funded public schools, but we now recognize that in addition to being ineffective at teaching children the basic skills they need to be functional adult citizens, the public schools are also the source of much of the cultural rot that is destroying the moral underpinnings of American civilization.

Solving the Mystery of Why Trump Supporters Shun Pollsters

Conservative HQ

Jeffrey Rendall: If you’re like me, getting a ring from a strange number stimulates a semi-panic. Immediately you wonder which Joe Biden deep state government entity might be listening in to the conversation and then experience mental pictures of armor-equipped police units bearing the letters “FBI” together with barking dogs and scary looking rifles banging on your front door.