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Revenge of the Nerds: Statistical Experts, Americans Prove Election Fraud

Communities Digital News

The nerds are speaking out to prove statistically that Joe Biden and the Democrats have used Dominion tabulation machines to steal the election. That those results, in different states and counties, resulted in a statistically impossible percentage of votes being tabulated in Joe Biden’s favor. After ballot counters and republican watchers were removed from the process.

The Teachers Unions Are Indoctrinating Young Minds One Kid at a Time

Communities Digital News

America’s increasingly powerful teachers unions have become yet another tool in the American left’s Marxist toolbox. These public employee unions take a substantial portion of dues extracted from teachers each year in most American states. They redistribute this hard-earned money to compliant Democrat politicians as well as radical left organizations supporting similar aims.

BLM Anarchists Foul Balls Fail Sports Fans

Communities Digital News

The traditional cry from decades past, in the spring, was “play ball!” Now, the only cry now is “foul ball.” Sports are like a dirty joke with no punch line. Just the noises of angry “jocks,” overpaid and underworked– babbling ballplayer bromides. With oppressed baseball players like Mookie Betts–sorry, that should be oppressed BLACK ballplayers– earning 365 million dollars, the only question is how much in reparations should fans get.

It’s Time to Start the Trump 2020 Economic and Political Landslide

Communities Digital News

President Trump needs our help and support now more than ever before. He is the only hope this country has for our future. It is now that we should be as brave as him. A little in your face to those communist loving leftist will work miracles for him and us alike. The easiest and best way to do this is by proudly placing Trump bumper stickers on our cars and signs in our yards.

Goody Goody Goodell Leads the NFL in Taking a Knee

Communities Digital News

Roger (Goody Goody) Goodell whose spine probably comes from the DeBlasio vine has decided that players who wish to kneel or protest during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner may do it. But this is the post-post Pete Rozelle era; that era when men were men. At least men like Paul Hornung and Alex Karras took their punishment and owned up to it. Colin Kaepernick just whines and gets another tattoo. Boo, hoo, you precious little QB has been.