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Ashli Babbitt Attorney Has More Questions Than Answers

Communities Digital News

In law enforcement, a person must be a threat to justify the use of force to kill.  And not just an abstract threat, a real threat, says Terrell Roberts III, the attorney for the family of Ashli Babbitt. “They’ve got to have weapon or what appears to be a weapon and that’s the only time they can possibly shoot someone,” Roberts explained to CDN. Babbitt had no weapon, nor wore a tactical vest or helmet.

Kids Are Victims of Border Crisis

Communities Digital News

CBP released a disturbing surveillance video of 3-year old and 5-year old sisters dropped by smugglers over a 14-ft border barrier wall in the New Mexico desert at night. If not for the vigilance of border agents using mobile technology- these vulnerable siblings could have died alone in the desert environment, while the smugglers ran off.

Biden Border Crisis Has Homeless Americans, Veterans, Tossed to Streets

Communities Digital News

Joe Biden has requested that the San Diego Convention Center, home of Comic-Con, is being repurposed from a shelter for San Diego’s homeless, including veterans, to a “migrant minor shelter.”…Of San Diego County’s homeless residents, 10% are unsheltered veterans and 18% sheltered veterans. San Diego Convention Center housed and protected about 4,000 homeless Americans from Covid.

Border Patrol Exclusive: No 2 Miles the Same in the Fight to Secure the Homeland

Communities Digital News

Jeanne McKinney: Any nation and its leaders concerned about their citizens, economy, health, and safety should take border security seriously. Through all kinds of terrain and weather, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) allows you to sleep at night. Whether on foot, boats, aircraft, motorcycles, bicycles, snowmobiles, or horses, CBP reduces the likelihood that dangerous people or contraband enters the U.S.

Rush Limbaugh: A Fearless, Guiding Light

Communities Digital News

Jeanne McKinney: I turned to Rush Limbaugh many times to find answers to the Right vs Left political chaos. To hear his “voice of reason” was a blessing that is already missed. Listening to him on the radio taught me about important issues I used to not care about. Despite America’s information wars and growing division, his show gave me hope for a better day.

Should Trump’s Impeachment Be a Death Penalty Case? (Satire)

Communities Digital News

If multiple people are carrying out Trump’s execution, how do we ensure that they adhere to the spirit of diversity? How do we ensure that at least one impeachment executioner is Black and another one is from the LGBTQ community? Has an environmental feasibility study been done to make sure Trump’s execution does not leave a large carbon footprint and exacerbate climate change?

A Patriot Party Must Organize to Defeat the Chaos-Loving Evil Marxists

Communities Digital News

Since January 6, we have witnessed the complete isolation of patriotic Americans, those who love this nation and its founding principles. Along the way, any American who wants to remain free to speak their mind, start or run a business, or simply be left to continue working in the field of their choice, have also been targeted as threats to the new Marxist Democrat government.

Trump Declassifies Obamagate and Promises Further Revelations

Communities Digital News

The documents reveal spying, conspiracy, plots, and efforts to overthrow President Trump. The long wait appears over for the American people soon able to see for themselves once classified information that supports the president and makes liars out of so many who denied it all. Democrats erected their own Wall of Jericho around their lies and criminality and it is beginning to tumble.

Trump Patriots Should Stay Home and Don’t Take Dems’ “Protest” Bait

Communities Digital News

Stand for your equal rights, but don’t fall to temptation to fuel the Democrat’s vitriol being used against you and your president. The media is promoting the tremor that armed groups will amass at State Capitols before the inauguration. This is yet another false flag being promulgated by Democrats in order to create another confrontation to further destroy the Patriot movement to save the Republic.

Patriot Blood Is Shed as Vet Babbitt First to Die in Effort to Save the Republic

Communities Digital News

Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt did four tours of duty defending the right she died for at the pro-Trump Capitol rally. When Democrats take away someone’s voice, marginalize and persecute them and take away the freedoms they believe in, they are going to fight back. If people know something is wrong in this fraudulent election and are censored from important information this adds to their frustrations.

Calling the Sons of Liberty to Stop the Pretender President-Elect

Communities Digital News

If the pretender is sworn into office, it will mark the first day of the New Patriots Movement. We will attack our opposition head-on, utilizing all legal means to replace the usurper with a truly elected President. The major difference this time will be that President Trump will lead this populist movement. We also have General Michael Flynn and his supporters. They have the expertise to guide us through the hurdles that we will face.

SCOTUS Denies Election Integrity and Refuses to Hear Challenge to Illegality

Communities Digital News

You won’t see many videos of this because YouTube recently scrubbed voter fraud truth. However, alternative video site is picking up the slack. See only the Left reports debunking voter fraud on Google. Media and big tech censorship deprive millions from information vital to their futures. Censoring our president on matters of national concern and security is treason.