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Still Climbing a Mountain of Anti-Trump Books

CNS News

“Tell-all” book season started before the first anniversary of his inauguration — with Michael Wolff’s shakily sourced “Fire and Fury.” Four years later, Esper is merely the latest. From Omarosa to Anthony Scaramucci to Mary Trump, publishers could count on bitter Democrats and ex-Republicans to leap on every gossipy morsel.

For the Left, Children Are Either Obstacles or Tools

CNS News

Ben Shapiro: There is a perverse and inverted view of children’s role in society. To the Left, children in the womb are utterly disposable; at best, women may choose to preserve their lives, but if not, they have no separate interests to be considered. In fact, children are to be treated as potential obstacles.

China to Hollywood: Don’t Say Gay

CNS News

It’s the irony of ironies. Warner Brothers, in a sequel to its “Fantastic Beasts” spin-off, decided to add some gay undertones to Albus Dumbledore’s character. When China found out about the unnecessary addition of an LGBT relationship, they asked producers to cut it. Hollywood, ever the compliant partner of the communist regime, obliged.

Blacks Saying Bye-Bye to Biden

CNS News

The Biden administration has been operating in a fashion detached from the very real and challenging realities — day-to-day life and the cost of living, and health concerns during a terrible pandemic — with which black Americans have been struggling.

How Frenzied Covid Coverage Handicapped an Entire Nation

CNS News

Formulaic Covid journalism obsessed over no-context scoreboards of case and death numbers, issued dire warnings of constant Covid surges and variants, and rolled endless video of emergency rooms and people getting vaccination shots. The reporting relied on blind worship of science from certain experts, but demonized citizens and even physicians who had alternative viewpoints.

40.5% of U.S. Babies Born in 2020 Had Unmarried Mothers

CNS News

The CDC reported last week that there were 3,613,647 births registered in the United States in 2020 and that 1,464,121 of these—or 40.5 percent–were to unmarried mothers….In 1940, only 3.8 percent of the babies born in the United States were born to unmarried mothers. The percentage first topped 4 percent in 1945. It then hit 5.0 percent in 1958 and climbed to 6.3 percent in 1963.

College “Sex Week” Boasts Valentines for Abortionists

CNS News

Most couples will celebrate Valentine’s Day with a dinner or some other engagement. On many colleges campuses, however, Valentine’s Day begins “Sex Week.” Students will be treated to an array of panel discussion groups, speakers, and assorted activities, the kind of fare that would bring cheers from the likes of Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Toobin, Bill Cosby, and the Cuomo brothers.

The Myth of Afghan Refugee Vetting

CNS News

Michelle Malkin: In my long experience, independent efforts to track criminal arrests of refugees and immigrants are stymied by politically correct media whitewashers who obscure the national origin and citizenship status of suspects.

Biden’s Dirty Little Secret: He Wants Higher Gas Prices

CNS News

This administration and the climate change crazies have declared war on American energy. They want high oil and gas prices. The Biden master plan is for American oil and gas production and consumption to go to zero over the next two decades. How do you achieve that goal? By making oil and gas so expensive and so unavailable that Americans are forced to use alternatives.