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The Gloomy American Left

CNS News

The fury of leftists is a constant today, and it’s not just because they hate President Donald Trump. Despite all their dreamy talk of compassion and love, they seem to be a miserable lot.

Christians Have a Good Night at the Polls

CNS News

In two of the three states that had ballot initiatives protecting the rights of the unborn, they won: Alabama and West Virginia affirmed the right to life of children in the womb, and they also banned public funding of abortion; Oregon made it easier for a woman to abort her child.

What’s Halloween Without Racism Charges?

CNS News

Brent Bozell: There’s nothing wrong with Halloween spurring a “teaching moment” for children, but what is being taught? Leftists want to use these costume controversies as just another grenade to destroy the careers of anyone asking them a single challenging question about how to negotiate their minefield.

2018 Midterms Are About Obama

CNS News

Michelle Malkin: Former President Selfie Stick is back in action, firing up Democrats before the midterms with his signature rallying cries:I, I, I, I! Me, me, me! My, my, my!..When he wasn’t “I”-ing, the former narcissist-in-chief was lying.

CBS Prime Time Shows Honor Hillary

CNS News

Brent Bozell: Hillary Clinton isn’t president, but Hollywood is offering the biggest consolation prize it has: working her into TV plots where she can be toasted as wise and wonderful. Within the first two weeks of the fall season, CBS has done this twice.

How to Change America’s Hedonistic Culture

CNS News

For an annual fee of only $50,000 (or $60,000 at some colleges), you can get a ticket to wild parties that combine sex, alcohol, and recreational drugs. Some students manage to get an education at the same time, but far too many sneak through with inflated grades or become part of the collective dropout rate at American colleges.