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Now We Know There Are Armed Good Guys on the Street

Clash Daily

The 2021 National Firearms Survey asked if people carried a personal firearm in public. On-duty police and security guards were considered separately. Over 50,000 of us answered the survey. We learned that guns and gun owners are everywhere. Two of the largest anti-gun states, California and New York, also had some of the most firearms owners compared to other states.

Is It Time for the 25th Amendment?

Clash Daily

Biden can’t string a sentence together and if he’s asked anything that’s “off script” for that day, cognitive dissonant hell breaks loose. Yet for all that appears to be actual signs of mental decline, no mention of the 25th Amendment has ever been uttered regarding Biden. It’s time to consider using Section Four of the 25th Amendment for the first time. Why hasn’t it been done, though?

Sexxing Up Batman, NFL and Everything!

Clash Daily

And it ain’t just Batman who’s fallen prey to the twenty-first century’s puerile preoccupation with “gettin’ some.” That mania also provides the only convincing accounting for the NFL’s recent weird decision to release a twitter video proclaiming “Football is gay … lesbian … queer … transgender”; concluding with: “Football is for everyone.” “For everyone”, they say .. but where’s the NFL’s vocalized devotion to “Bible-believing Christians”?

It’s Time to Stop the Vaccine Bullying

Clash Daily

Just look at how we as American citizens are made to feel second class if we decide not to comply with their attempts to control what we put into our own bodies. From Biden through his spokespeople and then filtered through the mainstream media, we are left to believe that we are inhuman if we fail to comply with their attempt to push their agenda into our lives. We’re being told we’re heartless and don’t care.

The U.S. Navy Is Too Small and Too PC

Clash Daily

Congress took an interest in finding out the current battle-readiness of the US Navy. What they found was troubling. In the words of one unnamed active-duty lieutenant that they interviewed, “Sometimes I think we care more about whether we have enough diversity officers than if we’ll survive a fight with the Chinese navy. It’s criminal. They think my only value is as a black woman.”

Trump Takes GOP Conference by Storm

Clash Daily

Whether you think of it as a ‘comeback’ or just a ‘homecoming’, anyone who hoped President Trump would just fade into the woodwork will be sadly disappointed. (Especially the establishment RINOs.) In his appearance, Trump made a point of telling the audience that he wanted to be in the worst timeslot CPAC had available… and the crowd would still pack out the place.

CNN’s Shamefully Short 90-Second Coverage of Michael Avenatti’s Prison Sentencing

Clash Daily

The anti-Trump Corporate Media elevated this guy, pushed him as a possible presidential candidate, then dropped him like a radioactive potato when things went sideways and he was exposed as a corrupt, disingenuous dirtbag. They might not want to acknowledge that they were complicit in raising his profile and making him a celebrity because he was anti-Trump — but we remember.

Some “Follow the Science” Fauci-Worshippers Say They Won’t Remove Masks Despite Getting Vaccinated

Clash Daily

All of the paranoiacs that demanded mask mandates and harsh lockdowns, have been shrieking hysterically that we need to “trust the science” by listening to Saint Fauci. Now, the science says that people who take a vaccine that is more than 90% effective don’t need to wear the damned mask anymore. Of course, it’s always said that, but Fauci et al. are just catching up to what the rest of us have been saying since the vaccines rolled out.

Dear Conservatives: Boycott More

Clash Daily

Rash, grandiose calls for action are the left’s bread and butter. Cancel this and that. Burn the mother down. Dreadful as it is, they’re winning. Meanwhile, the right is too tepid or prideful to hold strong on a boycott. That must change.

Covid-Nam — AKA Fauci’s War

Clash Daily

Both the Vietnam War and the Covid war were futile. But futility in both wars only further emboldened the so-called War Hawks to double down. The greatest hawk in the mid to late 60’s was Robert Strange McNamara, Our modern McNamara and perhaps the greatest Hawk in the Covid war is Anthony Fauci.