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Exposing Biden’s Lies on Political Violence

Clash Daily

Today, the violent Left is funded by foreign powers to undermine and destroy our justice system, to riot, burn, kill and destroy as we saw in the summer of 2020 with months of violence brought to you by Antifa and BLM. All that long, hot summer, Joe Biden was silent and invisible while his favorite token, Kamala Harris, was organizing fundraisers to bailout rioters.

The FBI Should Change Its Name to WTF

Clash Daily

This has all the appearance of using a shotgun as a flyswatter. The real question is why they did it this way. Why didn’t they go through the same polite channels they used with Democrats like Hillary Clinton, unless their use of power was itself the message both to the public and the people they investigated.

Bari Weiss Says “It’s a Pandemic of Bureaucracy”

Clash Daily

The free-thinking journalist said she was “done” with Covid and says that it’s now time to return to normal life. Amen to that, sister! Bari Weiss, host of the “Honestly” podcast, appeared on “Real Time with Bill Maher” on Friday. Weiss said many of the things that a whole lot of people in right-wing media have been saying for almost two full years, but all it got us was mockery, chastisement, dismissal, and censorship.