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Whoopi Ignorantly Says Holocaust Just About “Two White Groups”

Chicks on the Right

Whoopi’s ridiculous statements speak to this new leftist trend of labeling both Asians and Jews as white. They’re just lumped in with white majority oppressors in America who are supposedly to blame for everything. And that’s because neither Asians nor Jews can currently be construed as sufficiently oppressed and victimized to fit the leftist narrative of oppressed minorities in America.

BLM Co-Founder Spends Millions on High-End Properties

Chicks on the Right

It appears that capitalism and equal opportunity in America have paved the way to significant success for anti-capitalist and self-proclaimed Marxist, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter organization. The public recently discovered that a $1.4 million mini-compound in L.A.’s Topanga Canyon was sold to a corporate entity that is controlled by Patrisse Khan-Cullors. 

Kamala and Bill Clinton to Co-Host “Female Empowerment” Discussion

Chicks on the Right

Clinton is a sickly old man who is one of Epstein’s old friends, who is literally known as the “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” president, and who faces widespread allegations of Epstein-related pedophilia, as well as rape and sexual harassment accusations spanning decades. He seems like just the person to discuss empowering women and girls.

Guess Who Is in Regular Contact with President Biden?

Chicks on the Right

In what should come as a surprise to literally NO ONE, it is being reported that former President Barack Obama is in regular contact with clueless Joe…It is evident that Biden himself does not have the mental faculties necessary to actually do the job of president. Someone, other than Biden, must be making key decisions and running the government. Is that Obama? It very well could be.