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Mask Wearing: Not Polite, Not Considerate

Blue State Conservative

If we really need to wear masks, restaurants cannot be allowed to operate fully with indoor dining. Likewise with indoor gyms, bars, concerts, movies, churches, and the like. Thus, mask-wearing means that lockdowns and shutdowns must occur. In other words, as ineffective as masks and lockdowns have been at stopping or slowing the spread of the virus, they have been just as effective at destroying lives and livelihoods.

Mandatory Vaccines Are Ridiculous

Blue State Conservative

If the unvaccinated are unvaccinated purely by choice, then they have accepted the risk associated with that decision and no vaccinated person who disagrees with that decision need worry about them, since they themselves are protected by the vaccine. So, to all you vaccinated busybodies out there who are pissed at those of us not getting the vaccine, mind your own damned business!

It’s Time to Cancel California

Blue State Conservative

California is increasingly jumping the gun on culture, and that quick trigger finger is helping to propel the approaching backlash against the left. California’s government is attempting to drive our culture by forcing the rest of the country to accept their twisted ideals, and the rest of the country needs to push back; hard.

NASA Puts Diversity Before Merit

Blue State Conservative

Nowadays, NASA is run by the same woke apparatchiks that run everything else in the government. As a result, it has embraced what some derisively call critical space theory. As part of that adoption of critical space theory, NASA created a program called “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities in NASA Programs, Contracts and Grants.” The program ensures that NASA employees are diverse enough to meet some arbitrary standard (but not necessarily competent).

Atlanta Is the Cesspool of the South

Blue State Conservative

What have elected black Democrats done to improve the lives of the desperately poor minority voters who help elect them? The answer is, next to nothing…Once in office, they created bloated, inefficient and wasteful bureaucracies that devoured massive sums of anti-poverty funding in ways that did virtually nothing to improve the plight of people in the inner city.