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Columbus Day Matters

Blue State Conservative

The consequences of Columbus sailing across the ocean paved the way for a modern world. It’s why we set aside a day to remember it. Now, the fact that we acknowledge this moment is not to spit upon the graves of the conquered. The fact that we acknowledge it is because it is worth acknowledging the evolution of mankind. For the first time, the world was united like never before. 

What You Should Do If Faced with a Vaccine Mandate

Blue State Conservative

Under this possible scenario, we are far better off leaving the current unvaccinated service members as they are, and not forcing them to be vaccinated with a vaccine that could leave them vulnerable to a biological attack. At least we would have half of our military capability intact and could mount an effective response. To do otherwise and force vaccination is tantamount to treason if it would lead to loss of our military forces.

The Media Buries the Bodies

Blue State Conservative

CNN, MSNBC, and the broadcast networks are downplaying the thought that crime is on the rise and mock anyone who feels differently. Those of us who dig into the facts know the reality of homicides and gun violence is on, not just a rise, but a sharp rise. To admit the facts would not support the Defund the Police movement of the radical left.

Dr. Seuss Is Out, Gay Porn Is In

Blue State Conservative

Who decides that Green Eggs and Ham is bad but Out of the Darkness is suitable for children’s minds? When the actions of these boards are uncovered, there is no accountability. There are no suspensions or terminations. There are claims of First Amendment rights and the protections the boards require to be able to ram through their agendas.

“My Conditional Support for Trump in 2024”

Blue State Conservative

John Eidson: If Trump is the GOP nominee three years from now, I will vote for him without hesitation. But to earn my support in the Republican primary, he will have to change in a way I’m not sure his outsized ego will allow. To assure another presidency along with an overwhelming mandate from the American people, I believe he must broaden his appeal well beyond his conservative base.

Political Mandates Have Killed Covid Cooperation

Blue State Conservative

Biden and Harris and their minions campaigned against Trump’s effectiveness and stated frequently they would not get Trump’s vaccination. Then they won the election and had to backpedal. They campaigned on masks being patriotic and to avoid crowds, except when holding political marches or rioting at night or committing arson on churches and federal buildings or tearing down statues.