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The Vaccine Wake-Up Call from Our Friends in Canada

Blue State Conservative

Who would have guessed that Canada, demure, inoffensive, shrinking violet among nations, would rise to lead a worldwide revolt against the Satanic dominion of digital neo-Bolshevism? This political Saint Vitus Dance sweeping Western Civ seeks to destroy every constitutional liberty, deprive citizens of life, property, and even language, and reduce every individual to an internet-surveilled and controlled automaton… this global megalomaniacal mental illness posturing as “government?”

Is Trump the One in 2024?

Blue State Conservative

Ron Nutter: Trump has served us well. He came when we needed him and he helped put some cajones back into the conservative movement. However, I think he should walk away from the Presidential election of 2024. His age is a major factor. Also, I’m tired of seeing the same politicians constantly on stage. Hillary, Biden, the Bushes. I am ready for new blood.

A Black Female SCOTUS Judge Won’t Do a Darn Thing to Help Black Americans

Blue State Conservative

Some may now say that Justice X will be a Role Model. That’s a laugh. Prominent Black Americans have long been plentiful and highly visible; we have Black entrepreneurs, politicians, athletes, billionaires, scientists, doctors, lawyers, judges, professors, intellectuals (and pseudo-intellectuals), diplomats, generals, a (billed as) Black vice president and even have had a (billed as) Black commander in chief.

As Bidenflation Ravages Economy, Mainstream Media Tries to Spin It as a Good Thing

Blue State Conservative

You might not think that the cash in your wallet becoming less valuable by the day is a good thing. Well, MSM outlets like New York Times have news for you: it is. Whether because they know inflation is a political albatross for Biden but is something they can’t do anything about in the short term or because they’re so crazy to believe it, the media figures are actually pushing the insane line that inflation is a good thing.

Fauci Is More Evil Than Bernie Madoff

Blue State Conservative

Bernie was just a schlemiel who didn’t know how to escape the spinning turnstile until the financial crisis of 2008 did it for him. Yes, people saw their retirement savings go up in flames, but Bernie’s misdeeds are in no way as vile and contemptible as to those of the homunculus dictator of NIAID, whose pernicious policies must be responsible for thousands, if not millions, of deaths.

Puncturing the Elitist Narrative That Trump Is Not Qualified to Be President

Blue State Conservative

Rather than spending his career, like the political elites, smiling on cue, kissing babies, reading speeches written by somebody else, and asking his donors what he is permitted to do, Trump proved in the “free market” that he knew how to solve problems, that he knew how to build things. He was, therefore, an enormous threat to an elite class that is not interested in problem-solving but only in maintaining the status quo that has been so good to them.