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Soft on Crime Consequences: Brooklyn Shooter Has Long Criminal History

Blue State Conservative

In a perfect world for the left and their media, the shooter would have ultimately turned out to be a middle-aged, heterosexual, Christian white man, sporting a MAGA hat and NRA t-shirt. He would have been apprehended while driving a gas-guzzling Ford pick-up with a Pro-Life bumper sticker, and Ben Shapiro’s podcast would have been blaring from the vehicle’s stereo.

The Entire Gretchen Whitmer “Kidnapping” Case Was Exposed as a Fraud

Blue State Conservative

The defendants lacked either the mental or financial means to pull off the plot (the FBI referred to the supposed ringleader, Fox, as “Captain Autism”). To keep the plot going, until the arrests were made, virtually all of the planning and organizing of the plot ended up being done by the FBI or its paid employees. In fact, FBI assets had actually recruited some of the conspirators.

Is Biden an Enemy of America?

Blue State Conservative

Biden and his regime care nothing for America’s best interests and it shows in every one of their policies, whether one looks at the economy and inflation, energy, the border, crime or anything else. They are doing everything one might expect from an enemy of America as they push the insane false “science” of climate change and simultaneously kill our domestic oil production.

Kaepernick Trends and Twitter Erupts Over Aaron Rodger’s Huge New Contract

Blue State Conservative

The establishment loves Kaepernick, but NFL owners love Rodgers. The former is run by stupid, selfish, self-entitled, whiny brats whereas the latter wants to win. The NFL has absolutely no issue paying black players. What’s more, they have paid handsome sums of money to slingers like Lamar Jackson, Patrick Mahomes, and Russell Wilson. Are they suddenly racist when one obnoxious loudmouth goes on a social justice crusade? It’s asinine.

Did Kamala Suffer a Head Injury?

Blue State Conservative

Hailey Sanibel: I don’t wish suffering and tragedy on most people. However, seeing it as an explanation for abject idiocy is at least undeserved charity for people as dumb as Kamala Harris. Is it possible to be that clueless without a deeper medical explanation? Honestly, how can someone in her position be that boring, miserable, and intellectually stunted? 

Is Fauci Any Better Than Josef Mengele?

Blue State Conservative

If our health authorities had just been inept bumblers they could be forgiven for the harm they’ve done. But they regarded the American public as a way to test a novel vaccine, which has proved to be about as deadly as the virus itself. And that puts them in a whole different class of monster including the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, and Josef Mengele.

The Character Jack Reacher Is the Cultural Antidote to Our Testicularly-Challenged Times

Blue State Conservative

There is a code of masculinity that is part of the expectation of honor among these characters in American pop culture. As such, these heroes provide models that generations of young men have drawn upon to teach them about how to be a man, and that honor and duty are among life’s most treasured realities. They are lessons we seem to have lost.

Biden Has Failed Ukraine

Blue State Conservative

Under different leadership, this crisis could have a favorable resolution. But as it stands at this juncture in history, Putin seeks to initially use Ukraine to destroy Europe’s and the world’s faith in America’s willingness to lead the Free World. However, most of America doesn’t believe Biden is up to the challenge, or even capable of handling it in a way that doesn’t have severe long term consequences for America.

Legitimate Journalists Used to Cover McGovern and Nixon, Today’s Clown Lie About Joe Rogan

Blue State Conservative

More importantly, Rogan respects the average person, the working stiff, the middle-class subscribers who listen to his podcast. He doesn’t tell them what to think. That is fundamentally different from the credentialed elites of the mainstream media, who simply impose their own point of view when not ignoring and dismissing the vast majority of Americans as an ignorant mass of unwashed white supremacists and racists.

Is Whoopi Goldberg the Dumbest Woman in America?

Blue State Conservative

 Whoopi is the same savant who once argued that Dr. Jill Biden would be an excellent choice for Surgeon General. Why? Because “she’s a hell of a doctor. She’s an amazing doctor.” Just another example of her ideological bias thoroughly outstripping whatever rudimentary good judgment may still exist in her groping, gossamery brain. Please, Whoopi. Please, for all of us, read a book.