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Peter Navarro Tells Pelosi’s Coven of Commies to Pound Sand

Blue State Conservative

America must end this two-tiered system of justice created by the Democratic Party Communists, who have recently grabbed power across the board in all our most important institutions if we are to ever restore America and heal Her of all the damage done by these radicals. Those conservative and independent Americans who still love this country must hold the 117th Congress in contempt of America.

MSNBC Reaches New Low with Announcement of Disgusting Documentary in 2023

Blue State Conservative

This documentary about menstruation, called “Periodical,” covers everything from the people who use their period blood for facials and ‘free bleed’ while running marathons, to the ones who want to forget it exists. The film uncovers the shocking truths, challenges taboos and celebrates the untapped potential of this nutrient-dense blood.” Yes, you read that right, folks.

Marine Pride Means Something Different Today

Blue State Conservative

A rainbow for the Marine Corps: From the Halls of Harvey Milk to the shores of LGBTQ. For the future there exists no longer traditional Marine Green but multi-colors, including the appropriate addition of yellow—a color never before hoisted by the Corps. But now, with the sick and cowardly Pentagon and Washington crowd in miscreant management, the yellow is the brightest color of their rainbow.

For Lying Leftists, Gun Confiscation, Not Gun Control, Is Their Goal

Blue State Conservative

Liberticidal leftists have also been wearing out their thesaurus conjuring up harmless descriptions of how these things work. Instead of talking about how an innocent person’s means of self-defense and personal property is to be taken at gunpoint. They talk about how these ‘temporarily’ separate people from their guns or keep guns out of the hands of individuals perceived as a danger to themselves and others.

The Fault for Her Imprisonment in Russia Lands Squarely on the WNBA’s Brittney Griner

Blue State Conservative

Hailey Sanibel: Brittney Griner is the America-hating, professional-basketball-playing ingrate who has spent almost one-hundred days in a Russian prison. However, I wouldn’t violate laws of a foreign country where playing the race card or kneeling for national anthems doesn’t have the same cache as it does in our own failing country. Griner is alleged to have attempted to travel with cannabis in the form of vaping cartridges.

Dems Don’t Want You to Know What’s Really Happening with Arctic Sea Ice

Blue State Conservative

We’re dangerously close to the 1981-2010 mean. As much or more sea ice than before the great awakening when they began its crusade to stop runaway CO2 to ensure runaway expanding government, debt, fearmongering, you know the drill. But there’s one tiny problem. There’s still no connection between rising levels of CO2 and anything they’ve yet predicted.

Disney Unleashes Even More Wokeness

Blue State Conservative

Earlier this week, Disney released a new clothing line called ‘The Disney Pride Collection’ to be sold online, at various retail outlets, and at its theme parks. The new clothing will be adorned with Gay Pride Flag coloration in conjunction with some of Disney’s favorite characters such as Donald Duck, Goofy, and Mickey Mouse. Much of the clothing will apparently also include the message, “Believe Belong.”

Are We Seeing the Disney Effect?

Blue State Conservative

Is it possible that we needed a multi-billion-dollar company to sacrifice itself on the altar of wokeness for other companies to learn that politics in business, is a good way to go out of business? It seems that Disney has done for corporate board rooms what Loudoun County Virginia did for school boards – convinced Americans to stand up and say, “enough, just stop.” Thank you, Disney, for making that sacrifice.

As Dems Lose Their Minds Over Roe, Will They Go Scorched Earth?

Blue State Conservative

The pro-abortion feminazis were on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court just as soon as Politico’s story on the abortion draft was posted May 2. Projected ruling that would essentially overturn Roe vs Wade, sending seismic shock waves across America. With eyes bulging, the veins in their necks standing out, and the spittle flying, and their mouths foaming, they angrily screamed their anti-life, death cult slogans.

Rhode Island’s Proposed Sex Education Curriculum Shows the Wisdom of Florida Law

Blue State Conservative

For parents that want to instill their own values in their 12-year-old sixth graders, government authoritarians like these Rhode Island lawmakers believe their indoctrination goals trump parental rights. They know better, and to hell with you and your Puritan outlook. What’s being discussed in Rhode Island right now will have a significant impact on the morality and fragile psyches of these young children.

King Hannity

Blue State Conservative

With last night’s broadcast on Fox News, legendary conservative talk radio and cable TV host Sean Hannity surpassed the late Larry King as the longest-running host of a primetime show in television history. While Hannity’s accomplishment is indeed impressive, when we consider that Hannity is still only 61-years-old and that Larry King continued hosting into his late-70s, the milestone becomes even more remarkable.

Disney Decides to Be the Next Casualty of the Culture War

Blue State Conservative

The culture war wasn’t going well for the left, so the Disney Corporation decided to see if it could turn the tide. Disney’s management decided to come out against Florida’s anti-sexual grooming law (sorry libs, that’s more accurate than “don’t say gay”). The corporation has announced its full opposition to the law – because it, like the schools, thinks it knows what is better for children than their parents.