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Trump Offers Help Negotiating Peace

Blue State Conservative

Trump weighed in on the “sabotage” of the Nord Stream pipelines Wednesday morning, even offering to lead a group that would negotiate a peaceful end to the potential crisis looming in the aftermath of their destruction. In true Trump fashion, he correctly identified the problem, named a solution, and bolstered his image all at the same time.

Florida Libs Freak Out as DeSantis Makes Educators Teach “Real American History”

Blue State Conservative

What do leftist teachers hate the idea of more than anything? Teaching tame, moderately conservative to moderately liberal classes in American history and civics, apparently, as they’re freaking out over the idea of doing just that in Florida, where Governor DeSantis is essentially demanding they teach the sort of history courses you would have found in a classroom of the 1990s.

They May Save Their Democratcy, But Who Will Save Our Republic?

Blue State Conservative

Ever since the 2020 election we have been living in a democratcy (and no, that isn’t a typo). A narrowly divided House with an equally divided Senate would normally indicate that legislative focus should be on those matters of common concern and of general benefit. Instead, the Progressive party has used their slim power margins to force legislation through that benefits only their side and serves to further their own power

DeSantis Declares War on Wokeness

Blue State Conservative

Gov. DeSantis had a very good moment recently, taking to stage during the Turning Point Action Summit to declare war on wokeness and utterly thrash the left. Perhaps the best moment of the speech was when Governor DeSantis, discussing how woke ideology ravages society, particularly schools, said that wokeness needs to be fought back against before it’s too late.

FBI Raid Shows the Utter Insignificance of the Jan. 6 Committee

Blue State Conservative

When a few hundred clowns barged into the Capitol, their actions were essentially a footnote in history. America was never really under threat on Jan. 6.. But when Biden and his thugs decide that it’s OK to launch a fishing expedition against a former president and current political foe by militarizing the FBI and invading that president’s personal residence, those actions are much more than a historical footnote.

Since Trump, the Swamp Has Only Gotten Swampier

Blue State Conservative

Will this make Joe Brib’em the next hunger president? This is just the beginning as expensive electricity is the next hurdle waiting in our path. Cold and hungry leads to desperation because one has nothing to lose. The Green energy scam as camouflage has worked so far for the Swamp but they have a tendency to ride a horse a bit too far. The people realize that a couple of signatures would reverse the gas shortages immediately.