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Wokerati Infiltrate Food Menus with Absurd Climate Information About Your Hamburger

Blue State Conservative

Woke scientists are now demanding that fast food joints put warnings on their menus designed to inform you that the tasty burgers and other assorted treats they offer are bad for your health — as if we all don’t already know that — not to mention bad for the environment. Absurd, right? An environmental warning on fast food products….heaven help us.

“I Don’t Like Trump, But I May Vote for Him in 2024 with All His Reprehensible Baggage”

Blue State Conservative

Don Boys: The hatred expressed for Trump and all America Firsters by the self-righteous and falsely tolerant people in the world is reminiscent of the worst brutality, barbarism, and bloodshed of history. The acceleration of Democrat-sponsored baby-killing, high taxes, offensive regulations on business owners and individual citizens, stratospheric inflation, public perversion and transgenderism, invasion of our borders, etc., will only accelerate if a Democrat is elected in 2024.

Donnie, Time to Go Away

Blue State Conservative

Kevin Horgan: We are all sick of him.  Any cache of evidence of his allegations of 2020 election fraud still is only vapor and innuendo and scattered anecdotes.  There is zero direct evidence, zero confessions, zero video/photographic evidence, and now zero credibility.  His legal dream team is a laughing stock. And it is tiresome. 

Hollywood Star Moves to Nevada Fleeing Leftist Stench of California

Blue State Conservative

Mark Wahlberg is packing his bags for greener and saner pastures. Wahlberg, who credits his Catholic faith for “all of his success,” no doubt joins the rest of us in wondering how anyone can manage to live in Gavin Newsom’s hellscape. It’s not so much a surprise anyone leaves but rather how anyone stays amidst rousing crime, homelessness, taxation, and eco-communist policies.

Shocking, Shameful and Salacious Garb Is Offensive to Decent People

Blue State Conservative

Modesty is Christian, common, and commendable. Modest people have respect for their bodies (made in the image of God), respect for social norms, and respect for other people. Both genders should consider proper dress as a sign of elegance, education, and erudition. A silent statement is made by immodestly dressed people, male and female: “I don’t think much of myself, and I don’t expect you to value or respect me either.”

It’s the Far Left Who Are the Fascists

Blue State Conservative

Do they understand that we of the pro-freedom right really don’t have a choice in being inundated with leftist propaganda 24/7?   Don’t even mention National Propaganda Radio, funded by our tax dollars taken at gunpoint, where their idea of “balance” is a gaggle of leftists with an oh, so slightly different viewpoint on the definition of socialism.