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Biden Appears Lost and Confused at Veteran’s Day Ceremony

Biz Pac Review

While Biden spared his handlers from another humiliation by not tripping over his own feet, the “leader” of the free world’s seeming to drift off into a fog isn’t going to help with convincing skeptical voters that he’s mentally fit for the rigors of another four years in the White House and the episode brought a deluge of ridicule and disbelief from social media.

Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Calls for Deploying National Guard to Keep Unvaxxed in Their Homes

Biz Pac Review

The entire Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board got together and published an op-ed Saturday that has many wondering if we are still living in America. According to the Board—the whole Board, mind you—Salt Lake City is no longer a “truly civilized place.” If it were, the Board contends, Utah Governor Spencer Cox would find a way to enlist the National Guard in the battle against the pandemic.