The woke/equity movement now controls many American towns, including Kansas City, Missouri. That mass shooting during the Super Bowl parade on February 14 remains undefined. Of course, at this point, the authorities know what exactly happened but refuse to tell the public. Why? Because race is in play.
Get Ready for the Biden Blitz
With the weak polling for President Biden, the nation can expect a political blitz over the next few weeks. The strategy will be delivered in two ways. First, Mr. Biden will do a round of friendly interviews touting his “vast success.” And second, his media allies will begin “breaking” more Trump scandal stories.
Trump to Discuss History of the Administration with Bill O’Reilly in National Tour
From the pandemic that killed hundreds of thousands, to the speedy development of the vaccine, to the rise of the economy, to the global challenge from China, Donald Trump was the most powerful person in the world. In a series of live conversations across the country, Trump and Historian/Journalist Bill O’Reilly will discuss how things were accomplished, as well as challenges, both good and bad!
It’s an Attempted Coup D’état by the US News Media
In most countries, coup d’états happen when the military tries to overthrow the government. The United States military would never do that… but the national media certainly would. With so many citizens refusing to pay attention to their country, the media is trying hard to influence policy rather than report facts. The mission of the press has largely shifted into liberal advocacy and a hatred toward conservative, traditional Americans.
Bill O’Reilly on Alleged NYC Terror Perp
This guy wasn’t vetted and so he’s here and barely eking out a living and doesn’t like it and wants to kill Americans.
Bill O’Reilly: Why Tillerson Will Depart the State Department
The reason that Tillerson is going to be out is the moron thing. Remember the moron thing? Apparently Tillerson was at a party and somebody told the press, the anti-Trump press, that Tillerson said Trump was a moron.
Dope Dealers Are Celebrated
When I was a kid growing up in Levittown, Long Island, if you were on heroin you were a pariah. Not only using but selling. I mean, the dope dealers were the worst, the lowest, the lowest. Now in some places they’re celebrated. They’re celebrated. Superfly.
Bill O’Reilly on the NYC Terror Attack
Bill O’Reilly: I didn’t mind President Trump being outraged about how this man got here because that’s the story…And he was here because of a program that is outdated. After 9/11, the world changed. You can’t have a lottery.
Bill O’Reilly on the Manafort Indictment
So, Manafort is now indicted. But as the Trump White House said today, it doesn’t have anything to do with President Trump.
Bill O’Reilly Addresses Recent NY Times Hit Piece
Bill O’Reilly: I’m stunned and it’s depressing to go through stuff like this, very painful. But the worst part about it is families get hurt. Families are devastated. And I told that to The New York Times, they don’t care.
O’Reilly on the Mass Shootings in Las Vegas
The essential thing that you should understand as Americans is that even if gun control gets root, takes root, it’s not going to stop this. Chicago and Illinois have the most stringent gun control in the country. And there’s an epidemic of gun murders in Chicago.
O’Reilly Continues to Deny Allegations of Sexual Harassment
Six months since being forced out of his top-rated Fox News show “The O’Reilly Factor” over allegations of sexual harassment, Bill O’Reilly continues to deny them in a live interview on TODAY.
What Will Trump Do with Dreamers?
President Trump clearly sympathizes with the Dreamers and now must find a way to solve the problem without damaging his campaign promises to stop rampant illegal immigration. He can expect no help from Democrats who basically support immigration anarchy.
Bill O’Reilly: There Was a Lot of Hype About This Storm
About six million people lost power in Florida. More in Georgia will lose power, unfortunately, but to me there was a lot of hype on this storm.
O’Reilly Agrees with Trump DACA Decision
Unfortunately the media and far left are going to report this by saying “Trump hates immigrants,” or “hates young people and doesn’t want them to succeed,” etc.
O’Reilly on the Removal of Confederate Statues
You don’t whitewash history…but you don’t honor guys like Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest, who helped found the KKK. You can move those statues to a museum or somewhere like that.