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The Press Convicts Trump

Bill O’Reilly

Well, we are right back to the denial of due process again. The hate-Trump media has convicted the President of a variety of crimes based upon filings by federal prosecutors against Michael Cohen, Mr. Trump’s private lawyer…It should be apparent to fair-minded Americans that watching the news will not give you much truth.

The National Press vs Trump

Bill O’Reilly

From my vantage point, I see many Americans disengaging from traditional news sources and finding information elsewhere.  The folks have had enough Acosta and Maddow.  It is exhausting to listen to the hate-Trump stuff but just as enervating to watch the President’s defense mechanisms. 

Election Day in America

Bill O’Reilly

Vote day is here and we will not know much until the polls close in each state.  Then exit polling results can be announced and some focus will appear. But lack of data will not stop the cable news channels from issuing bogus analysis.  Expect CNN and MSNBC to continually tell its audience that high turnouts indicate a strong democrat showing.

The Blame Game Is Out of Control

Bill O’Reilly

The far left is claiming that any criticism of progressive money man George Soros is anti-Semitic. Another gross lie. Soros gives millions to progressive groups that try to destroy people. That’s documented. To attempt to use true Jewish suffering to protect this man is despicable.

Media Blame Trump for Bomb Threats

Bill O’Reilly

The American media has no interest in fairness or seeking the truth.  The national press is now a weapon to be used to hurt non-liberal people. Perhaps one of those people made the bombs.  Perhaps not.  All we have is speculation but that’s enough to condemn the President and blame him for the bombs. Another proud moment for the media.

PC Overlords and Their Reign of Terror

Bill O’Reilly

Polls show that an overwhelming number of Americans despise the PC culture and loathe the thought police. But as long as the media props up the circus we’ll have them around. And as long as public people fail to understand historical injustice, and make mistakes like Megyn Kelly, the PC overlords will have enough ammunition to continue their reign of terror.