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The American Left Has Left the Common Sense Building

Bill O’Reilly

Immigrant families are heavy users of welfare programs and the nation currently owes 22 trillion dollars, but liberals don’t care. The left actually wants to pay for the health care of foreign nationals who break U.S. immigration law. Of course, this defies reason and will eventually lead to very bad things for all Americans as the national debt will eventually collapse the economy.

Hillary and the Mueller Testimony

Bill O’Reilly

If the FBI knew quite early that the Russian government was trying to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, why didn’t the Bureau establish the fact that false information supplied by Russians was paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee?

It’s All Over for Bernie Sanders

Bill O’Reilly

After next week’s Democrats on debate parade, it should be all over for Bernie Sanders. His campaign is tottering because he doesn’t want to pay workers $15 bucks an hour. It’s not that socialist Bernie begrudges them the money, it’s just that he doesn’t have it.

Trump Vs. the Radical Left

Bill O’Reilly

It will be fascinating to see if President Trump wins his dice roll against four radical congresswomen. Mr. Trump is gambling that Americans have had enough of the radical left and is using his vast power to demonize Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and the others.

Elizabeth Warren Turns Down Fox News

Bill O’Reilly

Elizabeth Warren has no chance to be president for a variety of reasons.  She is a far left zealot not a public servant who selectively condemns certain people and organizations.  If she really cared about social discourse and eliminating political hatred – she would not hate on Fox.

AG Barr Refuses Questioning

Bill O’Reilly

So Attorney General Barr is giving the House Judiciary Committee and its chairman, the Trump-hating Gerald Nadler, a big raspberry by refusing to answer their questions. Mr. Barr well knows that Nadler will attempt to humiliate him and lead him into a perjury trap so he’s not showing up.

Mueller Report Opposition

Bill O’Reilly

Congressman Adam Schiff may not have time to read the report because he’s booked extensive appearances on the leftwing news networks to talk about how Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin colluded to force Californians to drink sugar-laden beverages.  Schiff is calling for another Special Counsel.

Running for President Is Good Business for Bernie

Bill O’Reilly

Bernie Sanders has finally released his tax returns and they show two things: first, running for President has been lucrative for him. In 2014, his income was $206,000.  Three years later after his campaign: $1.2 million. The second thing we now know about Bernie is that he’s tight with the charity bucks – just 3.4 percent given in 2018.

Possible Charges to Federal Employees

Bill O’Reilly

Former top FBI people like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Stroczk, Lisa Page, and Bruce Orr may be jeopardy of indictment.  In addition, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch will be scrutinized…The odds are indictments of powerful people are coming. And collateral damage will be wrecked upon the dishonest media and the Democratic Party.

The NY Times Vs Trump

Bill O’Reilly

Almost every day there’s a New York Times report designed to make President Trump look bad.  And almost every one of these hit pieces is built around “anonymous sources”…This is a con.  The American people know it. 

Migrants at the Southern Border

Bill O’Reilly

The enormous numbers of migrants have overwhelmed American authorities and many asylum seekers are being released unsupervised into the country.  That, of course, encourages more migrants to come. The message sent to the world is that one political party, the democrats, essentially wants an open border, that is few limits on illegal immigration or asylum.