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No Justice in New York

Bragg has spent millions of taxpayer dollars trying to convict Donald Trump of some vague offense that Bragg and his henchmen can’t even explain.There is no question New York ranks up there with Venezuela and Cuba on the “justice scale.”

A Trifecta of Chaos

Bill O’Reilly

Massive government spending and aggressive taxation, open borders, woke fascism. That’s what all Americans are facing even though many of them have no clue. Millions of voters are buying into the nanny state concept and may be willing to sacrifice personal freedom for a guaranteed life outcome, as paltry as that may be.

“Animal House” Couldn’t Be Made Today

Bill O’Reilly

I’m thinking back 42 years ago this week—1978—when the movie ‘Animal House’ was released and wound up being one of the most successful films of the year. But that movie could never be made today, in fact, the participants would be canceled, shamed, vilified, there may even be protests in Portland…Just the toga party scene alone would send many young people running for a safe space. 

Dems Ignored Coronavirus During the Debates

Bill O’Reilly

So we have the top Democrats vying for the highest office in the nation, debating on a national stage in front of the American people over and over again, while the threat of the virus grows. And nobody says a word. Where were the Democrats for almost two months on the virus? And now the American people are supposed to believe that President Trump didn’t take action when it was obvious he should have?

The Implications of the Iran Situation

Bill O’Reilly

I don’t expect the Iran situation will develop into  a full war but, rather, targeted military action may occur.  If Iran continues to provoke violence, the President will punish the Mullahs…But President Trump should be cautious here.  War, pardon the pun, is a loaded gun for him.

Is Trump Worn Out by the Impeachment Inquiry?

Bill O’Reilly

In the final chapter of “The United States of Trump,” the President reacts to my questions about the Mueller Report. It’s the first time in all the years I know him, that he became a bit emotional. Clearly the entire ordeal took its toll. Now Mr. Trump is going through another effort to destroy him and I am wondering if he is getting a bit worn down by the nonstop attempts to ruin his presidency.

The Media’s Push for Impeachment

Bill O’Reilly

The New York Times tells us that President Trump may have discussed the Mueller Report with the Australian Prime Minister, possibly asking him about the Australian citizen involved in the bogus dossier thing. So what?If I were president, I’d ask foreign leaders for any information they might have about corruption and the dossier is a prime example of that.

Why Biden Is Leading

Bill O’Reilly

Neither of the two socialist candidates Bernie Sanders nor Elizabeth Warren could defeat the capitalist Donald Trump, and clear-thinking Democrats know it. That’s why Mr. Biden continues to lead. His first place status is certainly not built on performance as his presentation is confusing and, at times, incoherent.

Biden Is Showing His Age

Bill O’Reilly

Yesterday in Iowa, Joe Biden apparently told a crowd that Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. were both assassinated in the 1970’s. Not good, as the men were separately murdered in 1968. Not a big mistake but one of many, leading both Biden supporters and detractors to wonder about his mental acumen.