Why are so many Americans angry that President Trump and Elon Musk are crusading to eliminate wasteful federal spending? Don’t we have a $37 trillion dollar debt? Shouldn’t the government try to get that down? One reason is that most government spending goes to execute or promote liberal causes.
Publication: Bill O’Reilly
Trump’s Highest Point
Donald Trump could be at the highest point in his life just seven months after the lowest point. It’s an amazing turnabout orchestrated by a single individual, Trump, who now officially owns the cliche: when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
No Justice in New York
Bragg has spent millions of taxpayer dollars trying to convict Donald Trump of some vague offense that Bragg and his henchmen can’t even explain.There is no question New York ranks up there with Venezuela and Cuba on the “justice scale.”
The Haley Problem
Nikki Haley will insist on a debate. What will Trump do? If he dodges, that will hurt him. If he accepts, the corrupt press will crown Haley the winner before a word is spoken.
It’s Foolish to Believe Government Will Protect You
Self-reliance is largely rejected by the progressive philosophy. There, individual protections like weapons and financial independence are bad. Faith should be put in government to help and protect you. Unbelievably foolish.
A Trifecta of Chaos
Massive government spending and aggressive taxation, open borders, woke fascism. That’s what all Americans are facing even though many of them have no clue. Millions of voters are buying into the nanny state concept and may be willing to sacrifice personal freedom for a guaranteed life outcome, as paltry as that may be.
The Avalanche of Biden Votes Is Worth Exploring
It was truly shocking to see how mail in ballots in Michigan and Pennsylvania turned what were likely Trump states into Biden situations…Trump is a confrontational guy and will challenge his apparent defeat. I would too.
“Animal House” Couldn’t Be Made Today
I’m thinking back 42 years ago this week—1978—when the movie ‘Animal House’ was released and wound up being one of the most successful films of the year. But that movie could never be made today, in fact, the participants would be canceled, shamed, vilified, there may even be protests in Portland…Just the toga party scene alone would send many young people running for a safe space.
Dems Ignored Coronavirus During the Debates
So we have the top Democrats vying for the highest office in the nation, debating on a national stage in front of the American people over and over again, while the threat of the virus grows. And nobody says a word. Where were the Democrats for almost two months on the virus? And now the American people are supposed to believe that President Trump didn’t take action when it was obvious he should have?
Let’s Tell the Truth: Less Than 2% of Those Initially Contracting the Contagion Died
A vaccine will eventually be found, most likely coming from a big pharmaceutical company. You know, the ones Sanders and Warren want to destroy.
What We Learned from New Hampshire
Elizabeth Warren bombed, which is a good thing for the country. Joe Biden still has a pulse but if he continues to botch things his own campaign might quarantine him. I have never seen a seasoned politician perform so badly on the trail.
What Romney Got Wrong
Romney says he voted for removal because his conscience dictated that. Not enough. “High crimes and misdemeanors” must be apparent beyond a reasonable doubt, or every president could be impeached.
Only Biden Blocks Bernie, and Old Joe Often Doesn’t Know What State He’s in
Bernie Sanders is a very lucky guy. His vision of a socialist America is so destructive that the press should have nailed him to the wall a long time ago. But the progressive media loves Bernie so they’ll be none of that, young man.
The Charisma-Challenged Dem Candidates
Seven times the presidential contenders have debated and seven times the nation has yawned. Charisma check. Anyone have it? No.
Trump’s Handling of Iran
President Trump helped his re-election chances by not acting emotionally in the Iran situation.
The Implications of the Iran Situation
I don’t expect the Iran situation will develop into a full war but, rather, targeted military action may occur. If Iran continues to provoke violence, the President will punish the Mullahs…But President Trump should be cautious here. War, pardon the pun, is a loaded gun for him.
President Trump Has Been Treated Unfairly
It should be clear to any fair person that President Trump has not been treated the way other presidents have been. After the Horowitz testimony yesterday, we now know beyond any doubt that powerful forces actively undermined Mr. Trump’s campaign and, after he took office, his administration.
Bill O’Reilly Grades Last Night’s Debates
Biden gets a B. O’Reilly gives Kamala a D.
The Similarities Between Elizabeth Warren and Fidel Castro
Americans who support Elizabeth Warren most likely would have cheered Fidel Castro back in 1959. The Cuban “revolutionary” told the world he would promote “democracy.” But in reality old Fidel wanted to seize private property, take his cut, and then dole the rest out to his supporters, which he did. And how, exactly, does that differ from Senator Warren?
A Social Civil War Is in Progress in Our Country
Never before was it acceptable to call your country racist or to demand taxpayers pick up the tab for the health care expenses of illegal aliens. Now radical positions like those are embraced by many democrats and celebrated by the media.
Bill O’Reilly Is Concerned About the Well-Being of the President
The loathing from the media is nonstop and brutal, designed to break Mr. Trump as a human being. His solace comes from supporters who treat him like Elvis Presley at his rallies. Without the folks, the President would be more battered than he already is.
Is Trump Worn Out by the Impeachment Inquiry?
In the final chapter of “The United States of Trump,” the President reacts to my questions about the Mueller Report. It’s the first time in all the years I know him, that he became a bit emotional. Clearly the entire ordeal took its toll. Now Mr. Trump is going through another effort to destroy him and I am wondering if he is getting a bit worn down by the nonstop attempts to ruin his presidency.
The Media’s Push for Impeachment
The New York Times tells us that President Trump may have discussed the Mueller Report with the Australian Prime Minister, possibly asking him about the Australian citizen involved in the bogus dossier thing. So what?If I were president, I’d ask foreign leaders for any information they might have about corruption and the dossier is a prime example of that.
The War Over Donald Trump
Fair-minded people have to know all this impeachment nonsense is pure politics, not a constructive action to protect Americans from a rogue president. Donald Trump is certainly unorthodox but he is not a Constitutional violator.