It’s probably safe to say that Bloomberg was the biggest loser of the night.
Publication: Big League Politics
Bernie’s Campaign Manager Admits That Fox News Is “Fairer” Than MSNBC
Faiz Shakir is this close to calling the liberal mainstream media channel “fake news.”
“Moderate” Amy Klobuchar Is Top Cheerleader for Somali Takeover of Minnesota
Klobuchar is anything but a moderate, and her past record has been atrocious, particularly pertaining to her support of the Somali invasion in her home state of Minnesota. Klobuchar can be seen at her worst during a celebration of Somali Independence Day in Minneapolis back in 2017. She bragged about her advocacy on behalf of the third-world invaders.
Frame-Job of Johnny Depp for Domestic Violence Shows How Justice Works in the Age of #MeToo
Depp is just a prominent example of many thousands of men who have been railroaded in recent years due to gynocentric collectivism. Countless lives have been and will continue to be destroyed by a #metoo movement that is waging total war against due process rights and the presumption of innocence for men.
Bloomberg Is Buying Democracy as He Plans to Double Ad Budget Following Iowa Disaster
The fake news media is already declaring that Bloomberg has “emerged triumphant from the chaotic Iowa caucuses before the results were even reported — and he never even set foot in the state.”
Hillary’s Former Campaign Manager Developed “Strategies and Systems to Protect Results” for Iowa Caucus
As the Iowa caucus results fail to come in promptly amidst “inconsistencies” in results according to Democratic officials in the state, exasperated voters wonder who to assign the blame toward for this surreal debacle. The answer may be former Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, who was used for quality control in the lead up to the Iowa caucus.
Coronavirus Patent Is Owned by Vaccine-Production Institute Funded by Bill Gates
The Pirbright Institute, which has been funded by globalist oligarch and vaccine pusher Bill Gates, has a patent on the books for coronavirus….What sinister agenda is at play here?
Fake News Get It Wrong About Kobe’s Death
Reporter Matt Gutman of ABC News may have gotten the story more incorrectly than anyone else, claiming without evidence that Bryant’s four daughters all died in the crash…ESPN even reported that Bryant’s former Los Angeles Lakers teammate Rick Fox was killed in the accident, which Fox himself confirmed was fake news.
Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella Was Overheard Scheming How to Remove Trump from Office in 2017
According to sources that have spoken with RealClearInvestigations, Ciaramella had a discussion with Sean Misko, an Obama operative who later joined the staff of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), about how to oust the President from his duly-elected position.
Trump Puts Greta Thunberg in Her Place at Davos and Rejects Perennial Prophets of Doom
President Donald Trump schooled 17-year-old enviro-tyrant Greta Thunberg while giving an address to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday. While she was in the audience, Trump smacked down Thunberg and other opportunistic doomsaying globalists with a message of unrelenting optimism.
New Book Reveals How It Wasn’t Just Hunter Biden Who Got Rich from His Dad’s Corrupt Schemes
A new book by investigative journalist and “Clinton Cash” author Peter Schweizer promises to expose previously unknown corruption surrounding former Vice President and Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden.
NBC Hack Shamelessly Misleads
Ben Collins defamed thousands of Second Amendment demonstrators before their event even began.
Washington Examiner Writer Brad Polumbo Defends Pro-Impeachment CNN Fake News Reporter in Spat with GOP Female Senator
While pro-Trump conservatives are thrilled with Sen. McSally’s defiant stand against the fake news, boy crazy Washington Examiner op/ed writer Brad Polumbo is not happy about the developments. Polumbo believes that McSally did not show Raju the respect he deserved, and felt she should have fielded his pro-impeachment question.
Jeff Bezos Slammed for Puny Donation to Australia Wildlife Recovery
Certainly, $690,000 is not an inconsequential sum of money. But someone with the resources of Jeff Bezos could easily have donated millions of not billions more…He spent more than ten times the amount of his Australia donation last year on a vain Super Bowl ad, promoting the fake news Washington Post.
Gervais Savages Hollywood Elites at Golden Globes
Comedian Ricky Gervais shocked an audience of Hollywood cultural elites during his opening speech as host of the Golden Globes awards, calling out the hypocrisy of the ultra-politically correct celebrities who often use the awards shows as platforms for moralizing political speeches.
Orthodox Jews Open Carry AR Rifles After Anti-Semitic Attacks
Some members of New York’s Orthodox Jewish community were seen open carrying AR rifles at a community event on Sunday, a day after a man attacked a rabbi’s home with a machete, sending five people to the hospital with injuries.
Mayor Pete Wants to Bring in Move Than 100,000 Refugees Annually
One of the most notable features in Buttigieg’s immigration platform is how it raises the cap on annual refugee admissions to 125,000 during his first year in office, and he backs legislation that would establish an annual floor of 95,000 admissions.
Rigged: Mass Migration Could Give Urbanized Blue States a Disproportionate Electoral Advantage
Certain reports show that continued mass migration is a policy that will put Democrats in a favorable position in future elections.
Biden Tells Audience at Dem Debate to “Get Used to” Mass Migration
Mass migration trends of the past 50 years point to a solid Democrat voting bloc among immigrants. Should these trends persist, the Democrat Party could be in a position to dominate elections in the next few decades.
CNN Pays Airports $100K Each to Play Fake News at Gates
The network pays airlines around an average of $100,000 each to play the fake news, adding up to more than $6 million dollars in bribery. Such a use of network resources could be easily used to fund legitimate and newsworthy journalistic endeavors, but the network, under the leadership of Jeff Zucker, instead adopts an approach of merely paying to have its propaganda broadcast to non-consenting viewers.
Bipartisan Coalition Votes Against Impeachment, Partisan Dems Choose Impeachment Instead
Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats have voted in partisan fashion to impeach President Trump, while two in her caucus join Republicans to vote against the sham impeachment. With zero proof, the Democrats have decided the president committed “abuse of power,” seemingly that abuse is being named president over Hillary Clinton.
Details in IG Report Indicate CIA Spook John Brennan May Have Perjured Himself Before Congress
Former CIA Director John Brennan was dishonest in his testimony to Congress when he told them that the infamous Steele dossier was not used in the Obama administration’s Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) that ultimately led to the Russian collusion investigation, according to the IG report released Monday..
Nikki Haley Is Still Getting Attacked by Leftist Outrage Mobs
Establishment darling Nikki Haley caught major flak last Friday after she told conservative radio host Glenn Beck that the Confederate flag symbolized “service, sacrifice and heritage.”
Bill Clinton Regularly Brought His Whole Family to Visit Jeffrey Epstein’s NM Ranch
The Clintons were tight with the disgraced child sex predator.