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NewsBusters’ Editor Curtis Houck Gets Blasted by Real Conservatives for Michelle Malkin Slam

Big League Politics

This is not the first time that Houck has attempted to police the conservative movement to protect the GOP establishment, as journalist Ashley Rae Goldenberg pointed out on her Communism Kills blog. Goldenberg mentioned that Houck led a harassment campaign against her for committing wrong-think that eventually resulted in her losing employment.

Newsmax Jumps the Shark by Joining the Coronation of “President Elect” Biden

Big League Politics

Newsmax experienced ratings boost due to Fox News’ betrayal of Trump and his supporters following the electoral fraud that occurred last month. However, the upstart right-wing news network may have already blown their momentum, as they have began calling Biden by “president-elect,” effectively joining in the propaganda campaign behind the Democrats’ revolution coup to overthrow the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

A Nation on the Eve of Destruction

Big League Politics

Win or lose on Tuesday, Americans must stand and fight against the human vermin who would have their children subjugated in the land conquered by their valiant ancestors. The remnant must be ready, willing and able to make the sacrifices the founding fathers made in order to truly make America great again.

Biden Is Too Old to Be President

Big League Politics

The argument for Biden’s advanced age as a disqualifier stands independently of the former Vice President’s serious, enduring and consistent indications of cognitive decline. Even the healthiest of individuals in Biden’s age demographic are liable to health challenges, a burden that would be improper to place upon Biden and the American public.