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Google Employees Who Refuse to Work on Military Defense Products Are Foolish and Ungrateful

Dennis Prager: That Google and its employees refuse to work on the military defense of their country is an expression of ingratitude (not to mention absence of patriotism) that is simply breathtaking…These employees are the products of left-wing education and the left-wing media, and of living in the left-wing cocoon of Northern California and its tech industry.

Is Trump Crazy?

Bill O’Reilly: It remains to be seen if President Trump’s dramatic departure from the political norm will benefit the country in the long run.  But for now, his capacity for dramatic, unpredictable action is affecting the world.

White House Correspondents’ Dinner Embodies the Collapse of American Media

Bill O’Reilly: The American people have picked up on the nastiness and unfairness that the media now embraces so warmly.  That has made a deep impression, alienating millions of news consumers in the process. Because of that, the media will not recover it’s reputation – no matter how many dinners it throws.  It’s become a hateful and unfair industry.  For certain.

Media’s Preoccupation with Trump’s Affairs Is All About Humiliating Him

Dennis Prager: I have considerably more moral contempt for the media’s and the left’s obsession with Stormy Daniels than I do for Donald Trump for his alleged night of sinful sex with her. That “60 Minutes” correspondent Anderson Cooper and many in our country found it acceptable to ask a woman, “Did he use a condom?” on national TV is a far graver reflection of America’s moral malaise than a man having a one-night affair 12 years ago.