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It’s Time for Trump to Raise His Standards

John Daly: Here’s what I believe most reasonably objective people should be able to agree on: It is, at minimum, highly improper and unethical for a President of the United States to present a deal to a foreign leader, in which security support for that leader’s nation is implied to be contingent on that leader digging up dirt on one of the president’s political rivals.

If You Can’t Sell Your Climate Change Hysteria to Adults, Try Kids

Dennis Prager: If the left didn’t tell them the world is going to end, they wouldn’t worry about it. They’d be enjoying their young lives, maybe even learning to appreciate that they live in the freest country at the most prosperous time in human history. Instead, thanks to leftists (who are children in adult bodies), they live in their grip of “existential eco-anxiety.”

“My Response to Harvey Spevak, Executive Chairman of Equinox”

Dennis Prager: Dear Mr. Spevak….I want you to know how highly I regard Equinox. It is a class act. You, however, are not. It is not a class act to throw your partner under the bus in order to curry favor with America’s bullies — left-wing organizations who seek to crush all dissent, from the university to big and small businesses — and the morons in Hollywood who accuse America of engaging in mass murder.

Don’t Underestimate Voter Exhaustion

John Daly: At some point (especially if the economy loses momentum), even those concerned about the far-left tilt of the Democratic party and its eventual nominee may well decide that enough is finally enough, and kick the obnoxious loudmouth out of the limo. And if those who want Trump to win re-election next year aren’t concerned by this, they probably should be.

Fascist Times at University of Michigan

Bill O’Reilly: Imagine donating $378 million dollars to a college and then have some alumni demand the school sever ties with you. Well, that’s exactly what happened to businessman Stephen Ross after he held a fundraiser for President Trump…Some Michigan alumni signed a defamatory letter asking the University to remove Ross’ name from campus buildings and signage…Administrators at U of M essentially told Rao and his fellow fascists to stuff it.

Trump and the Return of the Loch Ness Monster

Bill O’Reilly: Today in America, the monster is Donald Trump. And those who would like to destroy the President are trying to create a fearsome creature….Many Americans do not approve of President Trump.  That is their civic and constitutional right.  But he is not a white supremacist and does not seek to “empower” those dangerous people. Another myth that should be deposited at the bottom of Loch Ness.

America Is Drowning in Lies About Trump

Dennis Prager: The president of the United States, Donald Trump, never said there were “fine” Nazis or Ku Klux Klansmen. This is one of the two great lies of our time — the other being that all Trump supporters are racists — and perhaps in all of American history. I cannot think of a lie of such significance that was held as truth by so many Americans, by every leading politician of one of the two major political parties and disseminated by virtually the entire media.

How to Tell If a Trump Supporter Is a Racist

Dennis Prager: Ask any white conservative, including one who supports Trump, the following three questions: Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative? Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court? Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal? A white racist would prefer the whites in each case.

Berkeley Will Tell You What to Say

Bill O’Reilly:  If you live in Berkeley you know the prevailing philosophy is far left, politically correct, and not tolerant of opposing points of view. It’s like living in Burma, not a lot of subtlety. They may call it Myanmar but the country is really just guys with guns telling you what to say and do as you traverse the road to Mandalay.

Hannity Should Apologize for Seth Rich Debacle

John Daly: Hannity has long been a reckless media figure, but with the Seth Rich fiasco, he reached a new low. He should be ashamed of the tremendous disservice he did to Fox News viewers, Fox News colleagues, and the Rich family. He pumped adrenaline into a dark and painful fairy tale that should have never been given a platform on a legitimate news network.

It’s Party Time for the Dems in Florida

Bill O’Reilly: It is a national tragedy that the debate moderators will likely avoid scrutinizing their political soulmates with facts and incisive followup questions. Yes, Lester Holt and Chuck Todd might try to shake things up a little, but only a little. After all, holding the democrats accountable for radical positions would help one Donald Trump.

Bill O’Reilly on Reparations for Slavery

Bill O’Reilly: The issue is a far left favorite because it does a number of things.  It reinforces the radical belief that the United States was founded by racist white men who installed a system whereby white guys would run everything and blacks, women and others would be exploited.It also defines poverty among minorities as not the fault of individuals but of an unjust society that exists to this day.  

How the D-Day Invasion Would Have Been Reported by Today’s Media

(Imagined MSM article): Three hundred French civilians were killed and thousands more were wounded today in the first hours of America’s invasion of continental Europe. Casualties were heaviest among women and children. Most of the French casualties were the result of artillery fire from American ships attempting to knock out German fortifications prior to the landing of hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops.

Forget Facebook, Let’s Break Up Nextdoor

John Daly: There’s an important difference between Nextdoor and the other social media platforms. With Facebook, your conversations are mostly between friends or people you’ve at least met. With Twitter, your discussions are mostly with far-away strangers you’ll likely never meet. But with Nextdoor, you’re dealing primarily with strangers who just happen to live mere minutes or even seconds from your home.

Hate Masquerading as Virtue

Bill O’Reilly: The very noble Baltimore Sun has no problem trashing Tiger Woods because he might not see the President as “racist.”  Mr. Woods, you see, is not entitled to visit the White House or accept a personal honor. Nope, Tiger Woods must bend to the Baltimore Sun’s smear.  Or else, be smeared himself.