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Escape from New York

Bill O’Reilly: The current President, Donald Trump, is a life long New Yorker or was. Realizing that Plessken or Batman or Green Lantern or anybody else cannot rescue Cuomo-land, Mr. Trump recently said adios and moved to Florida. Where he will have plenty of company going forward.

Dems Want to Crash the Economy

Bill O’Reilly: If the new pandemic bill ever did pass, the nation’s debt would increase to $28 trillion; money the USA can never fully pay.  The Democrats have no interest in slowing down the massive government spending even though the gross fiscal irresponsibility is a real threat to eventually crash the economy.

Maybe the Press Should Be Quarantined

Bill O’Reilly: On display right before our eyes is the collapse of honest journalism…What we are vividly experiencing now in America is a herd media mentality that is using the medical catastrophe to sell a narrative to the folks: the virus is largely Trump’s fault and voters must banish him come November.

Wall of Doom Being Erected in America

Bill O’Reilly: There are Americans, including some media chieftains, who believe four more years of President Trump is actually worse for the country than the contagion.  So while the virus is amongst us, it should be used to damage the President as much as possible. Therefore, doom is a much better context than hope.

Winds of Change

Bill O’Reilly: The false, far-left belief that big government is the key to a satisfying life for people has been shattered. The repressive Chinese Communists, who Bernie Sanders admires for combating poverty, are directly responsible for the plague.  Also, the UN-funded Word Health Organization enabled the totalitarians in Beijing to lie to the world.

Why the Remedy May Be Worse Than the Disease

We can only be certain that shutting down virtually every part of society will result in a large number of people economically ruined, life savings depleted, decades of work building a restaurant or some other small business destroyed. As if that were not bad enough, the ancillary effects would include increased depression and divorce and other personal tragedies. 

Bernie Doesn’t Really Care About the Poor

Bill O’Reilly: Committed leftists like Bernie Sanders really don’t care about elevating poor Americans because self-reliance and disciplined learning is the key to fighting poverty – not a giant state apparatus which the socialists adore. Bernie’s bro Fidel Castro used his power to insure most Cubans stay poor.  That’s what happens when the state runs things.

Bernie Is a Dangerous Man

Bill O’Reilly:  I simply cannot understand how any intelligent American can support Bernie Sanders, who despises the United States and wants to burn down our traditions.  I believe Senator Sanders to be a truly dangerous man and those who would allow him power, are putting my family in jeopardy.

Should Republicans Boost Sanders to Help Trump?

John Daly: If Republicans and conservatives are so terrified of a socialist becoming our nation’s top executive, and America turning into a socialist country, wouldn’t they want to do everything they electorally could to make sure someone like Sanders never even gets as close as the nomination? Wouldn’t they want to put out a wildfire long before it ever reaches their doorstep?

Now Is Not the Time for Trump to Gloat

Bill O’Reilly: After enduring years of investigation for allegedly colluding with evil Russians and threatening hapless Ukrainians over the phone, the temptation for President Trump to gloat over the failure of these two “scandals” to destroy his presidency must be powerful. BUT DON’T DO IT, Mr. President. Because there are more “bombshells” in the pipeline and these will be truly terrible.

Should Trump Be Impeached for His Hiring Practices Alone?

John Daly: Bolton is just the latest in a line of former administration officials who’ve been attacked by Trump as being incompetent, dishonest, or corrupt — typically after committing the sin of saying something politically unhelpful to the president. In fact, just about everyone who has either been let go from the administration, or resigned out of protest, has had their character dragged through the dirt by the president. So, the question has to be asked… Who hired these folks?

Dems Take a Sharp Left Turn

Bill O’Reilly: You may remember that Mr. Obama once publicly opposed gay marriage, and his administration deported record numbers of foreign nationals who had illegally entered the United States. Compared to the leftist zealots today, Barack Obama could have filled in for Sean Hannity.

A Response to the Editor of Christianity Today

Dennis Prager: I do not know how to assess a person’s character — including my own — outside of how one’s actions affect others. Since I agree with almost all of President Trump’s actions as president and believe they have positively affected millions of people, I have to conclude that as president, Trump thus far has been a man of particularly good character.

Pray for the Press

Bill O’Reilly: Sadly, I have come to despise my own profession. I know many of the people who run the news agencies and most prominent reporters and analysts. And I know that they know, the media industry in America is largely corrupt – driven by money and ideology.

The Left Hates the Salvation Army

Dennis Prager: The left judges people or institutions not by their behavior but by their beliefs. And The Salvation Army believes — as has every civilization in recorded history, and as former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton did until a few years ago — that marriage should be defined as the union of a man and a woman. To the left, that belief outweighs helping 25 million people including married gays.

Does the Left Hate America?

Dennis Prager: Whenever leftists are charged with not loving or even with hating America, they respond angrily, labeling the question absurd, mean-spirited and an example of right-wing McCarthyism. But there can be little doubt that the left has no love for America, just as there can be little doubt that liberals and conservatives love America.

Trade War with China Hasn’t Paid Off

John Daly: Coming up on two years since President Trump assured us all that “trade wars are good, and easy to win,” we have next to nothing to show for this marathon-length, ill-advised venture…other than a lot of unnecessary economic burdens and hardships for Americans who should be enjoying the strength of the broader U.S. economy. It’s amazing that the president’s loyal base still finds ways to romanticize this exercise in self-mutilation.

“Your Past Is Terrible and Your Future Is Terrible.” What the Left Tells Young Americans

Dennis Prager: Only when one understands that the left — the left, not liberalism — has always and everywhere been a destructive force can one begin to understand what is happening to America. And the left has damaged no group more than America’s youth. Leftists speak about “the children” — but they care about “the children” as much as the communists cared about “the workers.”