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Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech

Dennis Prager: The left controls universities. There is little or no dissent allowed at universities.  The left controls nearly every “news” medium. There is little or no dissent in the mainstream media — not in the “news” sections and not in the opinion sections.  The left controls Hollywood. No dissent is allowed in Hollywood. That is why we have “cancel culture.”

Now We Have More Hatred

Bill O’Reilly: Do you think Pelosi and Schumer care about “bringing the country together?” Of course they don’t. They want to punish Trump by ginning up another impeachment fiasco that they know will light yet another fuse in this nation. Biden has not signed on because he understands the brutal consequences of totally emasculating his predecessor…

Think Hard About Your Voting Decision. Danger Is Close

Bill O’Reilly: Joe Biden will do the bidding of Sanders and the other far left zealots. He will stand by as the United States falls into disarray economically, socially, and educationally. He will allow totalitarianism to rise by imitating Pontius Pilate, washing his hands as the cancel culture, corrupt social media barons, and socialist politicians rob Americans of their rights and assets.

What Biden Believes

Bill O’Reilly: It is apparent that Joe Biden has bought into a governing concept that harms some citizens to benefit others.  And if he is elected President, many Americans are likely to be hurt in the name of economic, environmental, and racial “justice.”

Will the Media Defeat Trump?

Bill O’Reilly: If, somehow, President Trump manages to win re-election, it would almost be a miracle and the Vatican should investigate.  Never before in American history has the press and the powerful social media corporations joined together in a single mindset to crush a presidential candidate.

Traditional America Could Soon Be Gone

Bill O’Reilly: If the Biden-Harris ticket prevails and the Dems gain control of both houses of Congress, expect a blanket amnesty for undocumented aliens.  In addition, those “legalized” by law will be put on the fast track to vote by mail. That will mean Texas and Florida, home to many undocumented folks, will likely become blue states. And then the federal government will largely be controlled by the left, just like California and New York.

American Schools Should Reopen

Bill O’Reilly: In Europe, 22 countries have allowed students to return to the classroom without any spike in Covid.  Did you know that?  If the answer is no, then you have once again been victimized by a dishonest American press which ignores facts that go against the anti-Trump narrative.

The Movement to Demonize U.S. History

Bill O’Reilly: This movement to demonize America’s history, traditions, religions and culture is led by Marxists and anarchists. And they know they have the sympathy of many corporations including those who run media operations. The radicals well understand they can do pretty much what they want to do especially if they live in “woke” areas.

The Silence of the Lambs

Bill O’Reilly: The rush on the part of corporate America to “virtue signal” means any dissent from the Black Lives Matter agenda will not be tolerated. We have never seen this before in America, at least on this kind of scale.  Individuals are losing jobs and careers simply for expressing honest beliefs.  Even in the 1950s when the communist witch-hunt was underway, you didn’t have this kind of assault on personal freedom.

The Left Couldn’t Care Less About Blacks

Dennis Prager: If the left cared about blacks, leftists would work to raise blacks to universal academic standards, not lower and abolish standards as they have done for decades…If the left cared about blacks, leftists would work to elevate all people, including blacks, not only to universal academic standards but also to universal personal/moral standards. 

Trump’s Conspiratorial Cruelty

John Daly: Our president has a long history of advancing debunked conspiracy theories. And because a conspiracy theory exists involving one of his frequent media critics, Trump has decided to use his platform as our nation’s top executive to draw maximum attention to it… no matter who is hurt in the process. In this case, the victims are the family and legacy of Lori Klausutis.