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Critical of Critical Race Theory

Bill O’Reilly:  The CRT advocates want to destroy many American traditions including capitalism and due process in legal situations.  Simultaneously, they would create a vast central government to enforce “anti-racist” behavior – which is whatever the totalitarians say it is. Has there ever been a more dangerous theory promoted by politicians and corporate moguls? 

You Have a Right to Be Transgender. You Don’t Have a Right to Expose Yourself to Women

Dennis Prager: No issue — with the possible exceptions of defunding police departments as murders increase and biological men competing in women’s sports — better reveals the moral and rational decline of an individual or institution. If anyone you care about defends a person’s right to display their penis in front of a group of girls and women, my heart goes out to you.

Mi Casa, Su Casa

Bill O’Reilly: President Biden seems to be a “welcoming” kind of guy. Especially to folks who want to live in the United States without legal credentials. While President Obama deported tens of thousands of foreign nationals, and President Trump shut down many immigration scams, Joe Biden has thrown the southern border wide open: hola, amigos!

The Threat

Bill O’Reilly: The threat is gaining strength. It is affecting every single American citizen. It is vicious, hateful and obscure. And the threat will diminish your freedom…The news blackout is corrupt and a threat to us all.

Protecting Joe

Bill O’Reilly: Biden has become the most liberal president in American history by embracing record federal spending, a divisive racial policy based on “equity,” and a chaotic immigration strategy. t’s not that the corporate media is championing these things, it’s that they are blacking-out factual reporting about the consequences of Biden’s actions.

Too Cool for School

Bill O’Reilly: Penn State did not used to be dominated by cowardly, pinheaded faculty.  The faculty senate at the school recently approved a “Preferred Name and Gender Identity Policy.”  As part of that, the “non-binary pronouns “they/them” will replace “he/him” and “she/her.” Well, this is stupid.  If any student is offended by the terms freshman or sophomore, he or she (I’m rebelling here) should immediately be deposited in daycare and given a blanket.

Hannitizing Liz Cheney

John Daly: With Sean Hannity’s large audience comes influence, and his presentation of the Liz Cheney story earlier this week struck me as a particularly egregious example of just how unhinged, incoherent, and shamelessly dishonest the man has become.

The Media No Longer Seek Honest Information

Bill O’Reilly: Our country was founded on the principle that individuals should be able to live their lives free of tyranny. But, today, massive corporations have imposed media dishonesty on we the people. Will they pay a price for that? Maybe. TV news ratings are drastically declining. Many newspapers are folding. Karma? I think so.

The Victim Pandemic

Bill O’Reilly: It appears to me that in our society today, victimization is spreading faster than Covid. It’s almost unbearable on many college campuses and cable TV. Every white person is racist, every straight man a woman-hater. No non-white male has a fair shot.

Comrade Biden

Bill O’Reilly: Okay, now it’s getting serious.  No more fooling around with this capitalism business.  Nope, old Joe Biden has gone full socialist.  Viva Fidel!  Viva Venezuela! Che, we miss you! The President has proposed five trillion dollars in new spending.  

Creating Racism

Bill O’Reilly: In one teaching session in the Wake County, NC, school district, the argument was made that “whiteness perpetuates the (American) system of injustice.” Therefore, teachers should challenge the dominant ideology of whiteness and actually disrupt white culture in the classroom. This incredibly racist point of view has taken root all over the country.

The Death of Fairness

Bill O’Reilly:  Failure to speak out against unfair behavior because you are frightened that you may then be treated unfairly – will absolutely destroy the fabric of a just American society.  The folks need to condemn the cancel abomination. I hope you agree that is a fair assessment.

Most American Schools Are Damaging to Your Child

Dennis Prager: If your child attends almost any university in America, the odds are that your child’s decency, intellectual acuity, faculty of reason, character and moral compass will be damaged, perhaps permanently. The worse news is that sending your child to almost any elementary school or high school is fast becoming equally toxic. More and more schools are being taken over by left-wing ideologues…

The Biden Conundrum

Bill O’Reilly: Today, some anti-Biden pundits believe old Joe is being set up for removal using the 25th amendment, but I don’t see that. The President has been exceedingly accommodating to the progressive movement so why would the ardent leftists, who control almost all access to Mr. Biden, want him gone?

More Tax Increases Are on the Way

Bill O’Reilly: After less than three weeks in office,Biden has imposed higher taxes on every American. We are paying dramatically more for gasoline and heating oil.  In my Long Island town, a gallon of gas costs 40 cents more than it did before Biden assumed office. You may remember that Biden promised not to raise taxes on working people.